View Full Version : Do i need therapy?

06-11-11, 22:21
I'm really scared of dying, and I have been on and off for the last 4 years or so. I'm a 15 year old girl it's really starting to take over my life now. The slightest bit of pain I feel it's something that's gonna kill me. For example, if I get chest pains I think I'm having a heart attack. If my hand feels numb I'm scared I'm gonna be paralysed, etc. It's starting to take over my life now because I'm starting to get quite a few 'problems' with my body, most of which I am sure are just my mind exaduratting it all. I don't tell anyone because I'm too scared to go to the doctors in case I'm diagnosed with something really bad, or even fatal.
The thought of death really scares me, like the fact that I simply will not exist at all. I can't sleep because I'm scared I won't wake up the next day. Whenever I think of death and I go deeper into it, I get so scared. I get really down and depressed about it, and occasionally my friends do ask me what's wrong, so I kinda make it up. So when I talk to people I do sometimes put on an act, and I seem all bubbly and narrow minded simply to try and take my mind off what I'm scared of.
I dont know if i need therapy or not. I feel like im going mad and i think if other people knew they would think the same thing. Do i need therapy?

07-11-11, 16:20
hi Musique, it sounds like you're suffering from health anxiety. It's very common in fact there's a subforum here under the heading 'health anxiety'. In there you'll find loads of posts from people who have the same fears as you.
You're definitley not going mad, therapy might be something that could help you work through the fear of dying. It's really difficult to deal with alone so I'd recommend talking to someone. Perhaps a school councellor?
Hope you find some relief soon