View Full Version : Do you get similar?

06-11-11, 23:21
Hi all, new here and recently I have been suffering from anxiety. Every little thing my body does I react to, and worry about. Although I am slowly getting better, I have been to my GP, had blood tests, with the only thing coming back slightly bad was my bilirubin levels, which were elevated. This could have been due to the antibiotics I was on, all just to the anxiety I am having. NowI am hoping that I can find people here to relate too, I am awaiting on joining a therapy group, but that is not till the end of the month. Till then I having been reading books and trying to make myself feel better, not always successfully. I generally have the following:
Soft, sticky frequent stools (3-4 times a day),
tingling sensations in around my body,
stomach complaints/butterflies
and on occasions, night sweats (2-3 times a year)
Does anyone get similar, not only am I seeking reassurance in a way, but it would be great to find similar minded people. I think my anxiety has really stepped up a gear as I have recently found out that my wife is pregnant. I am always scared that something is wrong with me and I may die and not see my child grow up or leave my wife on her own. It gets me into tears at time. Generally I am healthy, I rarely drink and I do not smoke. I have been prescribed anti-depressant but I have been hesitant to take them. Anyone have any suggestions

07-11-11, 02:23
I obviously cannot diagnose you with anything


I have had each and every one of your complaints at some time or another and sometimes in conjunction. I think those of us with HA are really affected by symptoms that happen to occur together more than anything else.

I would be willing to guess that a lot of those symptoms could be anxiety-related. I'm not sure about the GI issue, but I know the rest have been brought up in relation to stress and/or anxiety. How do you eat? Well? Are you in any pain?

I can't promise this will help you, but here is how I deal with my health anxiety:

1. Do not Google symptoms. You may only Google a disease if you have been diagnosed with it by a doctor and then you may only go to medically-affiliated websites or nomorepanic. :)

2. When you start questioning the doctor's report, remind yourself of the tests they did. Every. single. time.

3. This works for me, but may not for everyone- I come up with the literally WORST case scenario I can think of in regards to my concern. Then I go through it step by step and realize how irrational some of my leaps of logic are.

4. I remind myself that even were I to have a debilitating disease, my body wants like mad to be healthy and will do everything in its power to try to heal itself. It may not be able to do it efficiently if something's wrong, but this helps me to not feel as though my body is an alien incapable of communication with my brain. :)

5. Deep breaths. I'm serious.

This will pass. It will.