View Full Version : lingual tonsil issue - help!!

07-11-11, 03:03
So I have been sick, and just put on antibiotics. I noticed that my lingual tonsil has a swollen area in front of it under my tongue ... looks like it is literally in front of the tonsil, not on it. What could this be? Almost looks a bit like a bubble, but it isn't, it is behind the veins/etc. I'm freaking out because I don't know how long it has been that way! My dentist didnt say anything during my routine exam a month ago but he didnt really look under my tongue.

Help! please answer asap!

07-11-11, 03:14
Is it painful? I get mouth ulcers everywhere in my mouth and they look much like that. I tend to get them on medication, too.

07-11-11, 03:55
Not really ... i would not have noticed it really otherwise. :-\

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

Ok... swished with salt water, and was kind of poking at it and I think it popped .......... is that ok?!?! Now there are just kind of blood spots on it from the popping.

Is that normal? Does that happen when your lingual tonsil swells??? eek. if anybody has had this happen please let me know!!!!

---------- Post added at 22:55 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

:( i hope i didnt mess something up in my mouth. ugh!!

07-11-11, 04:46
keep up with the salt water , don't worry it's just a wee infection, antibitics will push out any infection you get in your mouth area.
I was pills of a tooth abbsess twice and both times, the infection came to the surface and popped. It was pretty gross.

07-11-11, 13:01
Yeah, I guess I figure at least I am on antibiotics anyway. It hurts today. Is this normal when you get sick for something to happen near your tonsils?

I only ask because I had mine out when I was 2, then one grew back this year so I am not used to having one!!! I thought it was a tumor but went to an ENT and he said it was a tonsil. odd, huh.

Thank you for your replies. I was freaking out last night, am a little nervous that it hurts today but I guess that must just be because it popped, right???

08-11-11, 16:05
Sorry to keep bringing this up, but now I am freaking out again!! Of course.

So I went to an ENT in Feb about my tonsil because I did not know that's what it was (lingual tonsil back of tongue) and he said it was a tonsil that had grown back, not concerned. Now I am scared because I have been having this issue with the bubble on it, and if I feel under my jaw in the floor of my mouth I can feel a bump/gland on one side (with the tonsil) but not the other. Is it normal to have this gland on one side and not the other???

I freaked myself out because I have been able to feel this difference since about April of this year but just attributed it to being my tonsil. But stupidly since I have been sick, I googled about tonsils and it said that signs of tonsil cancer can be 1. one tonsil larger on on side and 2. sore that won't heal. What if that is what this bubble is? I have had it show up and pop before!!!!

Dentist a month ago didn't notice any thing, but he didnt really look around back there. Also had my glands felt by doctor about two weeks ago and didn't say anything was abnormal, but she didn't really feel around up under my jaw and bottom of my mouth ...

Please respond!!!! Ugh freaking again as usual. :(

---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 ----------

I'm really going crazy over this now, ugh.

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

could somebody please answer? i feel so stupid. :(