View Full Version : Eyesight suddenly seemed to dim

07-11-11, 09:42
Never had this before.

I have been in an anxious state for some weeks, but was actually feeling pretty OK this morning and even thinking of going to the gym tonight.

Anyway just sitting at my desk when it was like my eyesight suddenly faded for a second after which a wave of really strange feeling (adrenelin rush I hope) went through my body.

Has anyone else ever had anything like this?

Sat here terrified now.

paula lynne
07-11-11, 10:26
Hi there x
Anxiety effects the eyes, hearing, touch, smell......it distorts them and heightens them. I get a lot of problems with my eyes, and have several episodes like you describe.....the eyes seem to dim and distort things while my hearing is heightened and everything seems loud. Its always frightening when we experience something "new" with anxiety......try to get on with your day and put it to the back of your mind. I hope you make it to the gym, burning off some adrenaline sounds like a good idea. best wishes, Paula x

07-11-11, 10:42
hey, i've had similar when i had a panic attack. it was blurry vision and dizziness and then a kind of "whooosh" feeling

07-11-11, 10:50
hey, i've had similar when i had a panic attack. it was blurry vision and dizziness and then a kind of "whooosh" feeling

Exactly this - frit me silly :blush:

eight days a week
07-11-11, 11:53
I've started getting migraines the last few years - not the headachey type ones, but where my vision goes all blurry in one eye. Talking to the pharmacist recently she said tiredness and stress can be factors.

07-11-11, 12:11
This is most likely from your pupils changing in size. Your pupil opens and closes adjust to different levels of light like the aperture on a camera.

15-12-11, 21:39
Hi I have the same and has been getting me in a terrible state. Its constant though is this the case with you? It feels like everything I look feels dark (dim) and blurred and normal daylight seems to hurt my eyes. It has really worried me, is it because Im stressed again? I feel like I keep having to check my vision by covering one eye or trying to read things, very scary. Also real acid (metallic) taste in mouth. Fed up thought I was improving with my anxiety but has hit me hard again, why cant it just leave me alone. :(.

15-12-11, 21:45
I've had this quite a lot recently and spokn to my doctor about it and shes told me its nothing to worry about (which doesn't help, I know) , I know it's really scary but it will pass and everything will be okay. When this happens to me I usually get a headache afterwards, probabaly most likely stress or anxiety x

15-12-11, 21:53
Thank you for your reply, is it normal (well not normal, if you know what I mean) to have this vision disturbance constant for a couple of weeks? Have had mild headaches but nothing too major. Its this dim sensation that concerns me.

Have had my vision checked about 2 months ago and need reading glasses. I did mention then about the occasional blurred vision but now for the last two weeks constant

15-12-11, 21:59
I've had it for a few weeks too, I would describe at as a dimming/headrush sensation in the eyes, I'm told it's nothing to worry about and that it could be part of stress and anxiety but definatly nothing serious, if you are really worried go to or call your gp for advice and reassurance to put your mind at rest :) xx

15-12-11, 22:20
Thanks for the reassurance. But your right Ill get it checked out with my GP, Trouble is Im always within two minds going to GP. Feel like they look at me is if Im crazy these days! And I am sure it was a mis diagnosis that triggered my anxiety in the first place.
