View Full Version : My father :(

07-11-11, 14:21
Hi my dad was just watching tele now when he had a funny turn and said he couldnt see and everything was double vision. now he needs reading glasses but hasnt worn proper one for years. im very scared he has a brain tumour. his gone to lie down now.
he says his not been getting much sleep due to brother being in hosiptal for 7 months now but im very scared for him x

miss polly
07-11-11, 14:29
If he suffers from anxiety it's probably just that, but if he doesn't, it's possible it could be a stroke. I would be inclined to get him to see a doctor. I hope I haven't alarmed you and I hope your dad is ok.
It must be a huge strain on him worrying about your brother and it could well be he's just anxious and tired.

07-11-11, 14:31
Hi Emma, see if he feels better, but if he's the same or worse in a little while, I would get him to A&E.

It's unlikely to be anything other than needing glasses.. but very important to get this checked out.

Jess xxx

07-11-11, 14:39
he doesnt suffer anxiety :(
i did think it could be a stroke and have gone into full tear panic mode now :O x
his so bloody stubborn though and proberly wont see a doc but i cant help but think this is a warning sign. it just happened all of a sudden. :(

---------- Post added at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

jessica- he works on the post- reading a lot- and wears cheap reading glasses- not ones that are suited to his eyes- i pray its that. x thank you

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

mums recommned he makes an app to see an optician. she doesnt know what warning signs of a stroke are and if i mention it she will tell me to shut up and get aggressive so im stuck.

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

id consider my dad healthly. he doesnt smoke and walks 10+ miles a day at 56. he drinks a little but not to much.
sounds horrible but id expect something like this to happen to my mum. smokes, drinks, caffeine and no exercise. :S

07-11-11, 14:50
My dad had a similar thing a few years back it happened while we was in the car he had a lie down and was ok after that, but keep an eye on him, slack of sleep can do alot of strange things and so can not wearing the right glasses

07-11-11, 14:54
Thanks hun x
glad your dad was OK. will keep an eye on him. proberly me over reacting as usual (not sure if i can help it though)
find it easier when its ME im worrying about. find it hard when its loved ones im worrying over.
He was just sitting watching tele and it happened (he was the other side of the room from the tele though) thinking its just the glasses tbh :\ hope so anyway x

---------- Post added at 14:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:53 ----------

he wears cheap £4 like glasses for years now. they help him see but not the lenses that he should be wearing!
I couldnt live with ot him... well i dont know how i would anyway...

07-11-11, 14:58
Let us know how he is when he wakes up

I am the same if I am not worrying about me I am obsessing over loved ones health specially the ones who don't seem to worry.

Your dad should invest in some proper glasses specially if he does a job using his eyes or even if not,eye strain is not good xx

07-11-11, 15:05
Thanks. Will do. Just set me back a lot. was feeling good today for once.
I hope this will make him realise he needs proper glasses as when his posting/sorting out the round it requires his eyes all the time. Proberly just that and lack of sleep x

---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:00 ----------

mums had a pain in her arm for over a month now which gets bad so i worry over that but i tell my self "no she sleeps on the sofa which isnt comfy thats why she gets the pain" lol

---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:02 ----------

now i dont know how to calm down again

07-11-11, 15:12
Awww I am no better I have been on the phone to my mum asking about her symptoms and doing a symptom checker online without her knowing.

At the moment I am preoccupied with myself waiting for results so being selfish and just thinking about me :-/

07-11-11, 15:14
Dont feel selfish hun. your not. its just anxiety. I stay away from the online stuff like that and it really helps. a year ago i would have googled about dad but now i will not x

07-11-11, 15:46
Your good each time I tell myself not to google but I fail :-/this time waiting for results the symptoms are mounting and having other causes ruled out it surely can only be what I am so scared it is.

You should be proud you have self control and are helping yourself xx

07-11-11, 15:53
Hope he is feeling better now - it could be a migraine. they can affect vision and can be brought on by stress!

07-11-11, 16:38
Hi. Thank you :)
I think its eye strain personally. he was trying to read BIG writing and couldnt properly- his eye sight is bad and he doesnt wear prescripstion glasses- he wears cheap ones lol.
He says his feels fine now and is acting normal as he normally would. mum has told me to see the optician.
Kirtsy i dont know how i manage the control- just one say i said "no i wont do that to my self anymore". x

---------- Post added at 16:37 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

but the "what if" says what if this is a warning sign of something.
But i know opticians can tell a lot by looking at your eyes. :\

---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

oops double post sorry! :)

07-11-11, 19:14
I think it would be a good idea for him to visit the opticians, as it could be a very simple eye problem. My mum had something similar and it was to do with the jelly-substance around your eye (yuck!)

07-11-11, 19:20
Thank You.
Mums keeps bugging him to make an app.
Glad your mums ok x

07-11-11, 20:32
Please don't worry, I'm sure he will be fine. He is lucky to have a daughter like you looking out for him. It is important to watch out for stroke though. Did he actually lose his vision or just get double vision? Make sure he doesn't have drooping of one side of the face, weakness in an arm or leg, slurring/unable to talk. If you are worried or he gets any of these things I would go to the hospital immediately, it's important to treat stroke quickly because a small amount of time can make a difference. I don't want to worry you more though because what you described does not sound much like a stroke and good chances are there is nothing wrong at all.

07-11-11, 20:38
Thanks hun.
Well he said it was more like every think went blurry so he went to lie down and now his fine.
speech all normal- limbs fine- face looks normal and he was joking like normal so he seemed OK.
Im pretty sure its his eyes that are the issue but the "what if" says what if this is a warning sign of a stroke :\ x

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

it just happened so quicly though x

07-11-11, 20:43
Yeah without any of those signs it really doesn't sound like a stroke (I'm a medical student so hopefully have some idea!). So you have to try and put that 'what if' away I suppose!! Blurred vision could be anything and probably just a funny turn like you said.

There's me telling you to put the what if out your head, and here I am feeling breathless and freaking out about what it could be, wanting to call the doctor!! :-D

07-11-11, 20:48
Thank you.
I am sure you are fine- classic sign of anxiety there you have.
thank you- im sure its not a sign i cant help but think what if days from now he will have one but im trying to put it out my mind.

07-11-11, 21:26
Yeah I know what you mean - when I am worrying about something and it won't leave my head, sometimes it helps to think: "Right well what would I actually do about it... Do I really think it's bad enough to call 999 right now? No, I would look very silly when the ambulance came and would have to spend hours in hospital getting checked up... Well then, no point thinking over it so much until/unless it gets bad enough for that!!" If you get what I mean. People do get sick unfortunately but we can only do something about it when it actually happens, the rest of the time I suppose we have to try and not let the worry get in the way of enjoying our lives!

08-11-11, 17:35
yes i dont call 999 because i dont want to waste there time and id feel silly lol...
dads ok today but i cant help but worry over it still. it was just once out the blue.