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07-11-11, 14:21
I know this a daft question but what does a blood test for hormones actually test? I know the obvious thing is hormones but i am convincing my self i have ovarian cancer because of a late and light period and ibs type symptoms. So would these type of bloods show nothing to do with my ovaries if there was a problem?

07-11-11, 14:51
How long have you had your pains? And are you due on or ovulating both can cause similar pains

07-11-11, 15:10
Had the pains for about a week and i missed my period about 4 weeks ago and it came 2 weeks later and was virtually non existent and only lasted 2 days.So its about 2 weeks ago since i had the light period. My stomach is awful though i have all kinds of pains in my side, front and back and right down in my pelvis. I am sick of worrying.

07-11-11, 21:40
How old are you?? Could this be start of perimenopause?

There are all sorts of different hormone blood tests, has your Dr done some?? the usual one is for follicle stimulating hormone and LH etc etc , these give a result of your hormones on the day the test is done. They are not specific for one condition but can help Dr work out if someone is in perimenopause or has a severe hormonal problem.

The blood test for ovarian cancer marker is called the CA125 test but it is usually only done in conjuction with ultrasound scan and can only be ordered by a hospital consultant not a GP.

Sorry I can't be more help. Have you discussed all this with your GP?

07-11-11, 21:57
yes my doctor has done some hormone bloods today. She just felt my stomach and said she couldnt feel anything. But you know that i am not happy or reassured with that. I have read that high levels of estrogen in the bloods can suggest tumours on the ovaries. Would you be reassured with this blood test? Its the stomach issues thats worrying me, i have pains in my side,back,groin and bad wind, nausea and i know this can be with anxiety but i am not convinced.