View Full Version : Can illness cause panic attacks?

07-11-11, 14:53
He everyone,

silly question I'm sure. I've been doing well recently citalopam as worked well for me.

However, 10 days ago I fell ill with some strange stomach thing and I had a chesty cough to go with it. This was happening at the same time a lot of things were happening around me. Two relatives birthdays, arrival of my new PC and invites out with friends that I had to cancel on due being unwell. However, I think I was getting over this as I felt better by Hallowe'en. However, I was worrying a little about the RNIB members forum I was meant to attend. I was thinking "oh, gotta sit around all day, listening to some info that'll go over my head". I felt quite bad during the afternoons of Tues, Weds and Thurs. I know this wasn't anxiety related as my chesty cough returned during that time.

Then, friday came; I was aprehensive about the day. I wasw burning up a little after breakfast. Then, had a coughing fit and broke out in a sweat.

I got as far as the taxi and half way from home to where the forum is held, I had a panic attack and had to return home. I tried to relax, breath slowly, look around me. However, it just got too much.

So, I'm just wondering if my setback is due to being ill with this chest infection? I'm looking for reassurance. I'm hoping there is some. I'm feeling a little low.

thanks guys.

07-11-11, 15:32
Hey Justin1973,

Sorry to hear that you're a bit under the weather! I've gone over a month without a noteworthy panic attack after a setback and have a cold with a chesty cough, told this morning I have a chest infection. The panic attacks have been intense in the past three days and some have come in waves lasting hours, but I know what it is as I went through this shortly after beginning recovery the last time. We spend so long trying to return to 'normal', when something changes in our body it seems to hit us for six, especially when combined with anticipatory anxiety because we're not sure how we're going to cope. While it's usually important not to let panic attacks win, this is a case where, for me, it's best to just rest up and recover so that you don't let things get on top of you again.

I should also say that my partner, who doesn't suffer from anxiety issues at all, had a panic attack in Asda two days ago because of a cold.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

07-11-11, 17:29
Hello Mr. Jitters. Thanks for your post. Seems to indicate that being ill can certainly aggrivate us in the early stages of recovery to a point where panic happens. I have to remind myself to to put pressure on me to get on top of the panic/anxiety.

I'm at the stage, like you, where I have to rest up. I think it's best to rest up until the illnesses go.

I did go the doctor actually. Sunday Morning was the last straw. I was walking to my sister's. Normally walking help with anxiety. However, everytime I move I cough hard. I coughed to the point where I was nearly sick and was drained on the journey to my sisters.

Doctor's examined me and given me antibiotics. I didn't realise exactly how unwell I've been the past week. In hindsight, I should have cancelled going to the RNIB forum. I obvoiusly just wasn't well enough in the first place :huh: