View Full Version : Does anyone else worry that they will have a nervous breakdown?

07-11-11, 14:57
Just feel so stretched and on edge at the moment. Just not sure on the edge of what and really getting scared that it's some sort of breakdown? Does anyone else worry about this?

07-11-11, 15:37
Oh yes. I can relate. After my brother had one and it was found we have a strong family history i fear it more and more BUT i dont fear it so much as its not a phyisical illness if that makes sense

07-11-11, 15:50
THanks for your reply Emma.I think I am starting to fear it as much as a Physical illness because I hate the thought of losing control and not being myself. This fear seems to have come just as I was starting to get a grip on my HA.

07-11-11, 16:11
Hi i actually feel like this today, i feel im losing the plot and on edge like im on the verge of a panic attack at any min x x

07-11-11, 16:20
Aw Nicola- thinking of you. I have a sort of anxious tension in my chest. the only way I can describe it is like that pang you get when you realise you have gone out and left the iron on or something, except this feeling is constant and just won't ebb away. I am so afraid of going crazy when I am needed to be "normal".

07-11-11, 16:28
Thats just how my chest feels its horrible, ive had a 'normal' few days and then wham its back again! Spent most of today in tears cause of it! Hope u feel better x x

07-11-11, 16:38
Yes i have got that tense feeling in my stomach all the time lately even when i think i am relaxed. the pains in my stomach,side ,back and down by my pelvis are awful.

07-11-11, 16:41
Rest assured that you if you have a mental breakdown there is help out there for you. not saying you are going to have one- its just anxiety causing this x

07-11-11, 17:28
I used to worry a lot about that, as I have a family history of it too. I can't help but think that if you're worrying about it, it's not going to happen. People I know who had breakdowns really didn't seem to care about the breakdown when it happened, they seemed to have given up caring. Not sure that makes sense - it's a bit like the idea that if you think you're mad, you're not because if you were you wouldn't be aware of it.

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:27 ----------

NOT saying that people who have breakdowns are mad BTW, just an analogy :blush:

07-11-11, 19:21
Again, not saying that you are going to have one, but reassuring you that if you did, you would get through it. I've had two periods of intense anxiety that I think were verging on breakdowns and I do get scared that it can happen again but I know that I recovered. Are you being treated for your anxiety. I'm on citalopram and it takes away a lot of the physical symptoms..

07-11-11, 19:28
Again, not saying that you are going to have one, but reassuring you that if you did, you would get through it. I've had two periods of intense anxiety that I think were verging on breakdowns and I do get scared that it can happen again but I know that I recovered. Are you being treated for your anxiety. I'm on citalopram and it takes away a lot of the physical symptoms..

Hi - yes I am fluoxetine for my anxiety which I think I am better on than I am off it. I was at a point a few months ago where my anxiety about my health was so bad that I couldn't even leave the house but I overcame it, just recently the old feelings have been creeping back and I am super tired. Just feel really vulnerable I think. When you have been so low you don't want to go back there.

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:26 ----------

I used to worry a lot about that, as I have a family history of it too. I can't help but think that if you're worrying about it, it's not going to happen. People I know who had breakdowns really didn't seem to care about the breakdown when it happened, they seemed to have given up caring. Not sure that makes sense - it's a bit like the idea that if you think you're mad, you're not because if you were you wouldn't be aware of it.

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:27 ----------

NOT saying that people who have breakdowns are mad BTW, just an analogy :blush:

I know what you mean. I try to reassure myself with those thoughts too. It's good to hear it from someone else too cos sometimes I worry that those kinds of thoughts are a sympton of my "madness". Its a vicious circle sometimes.