View Full Version : bad times

07-11-11, 17:11

I have HA at the moment... and have spent the whole day pretty much in my room sitting feeling sorry for myself and unable to do the simplest thing (not like me at all :weep:). Tomorrow I'm back at work. i hate feeling like this.

I manage to calm myself down and be rational... but then a thought pops into my head and...whoosh! my adrenaline starts pumping again! it stops me from sleeping..stops me living a normal life. I feel like i want to be knocked out until i'm told i'm ok..

i think i would feel a lot better if i could get a grip on the adrenaline surges... i can handle feeling down but the anxiety bit is exhausting. I;m not on any meds.. and don't want to be (not that there's anything wrong with them). any ideas what i can do to calm down? too dark for exercise!


07-11-11, 17:28
I find the same, huge surges of adrenaline that are difficult to cope with :( Feel I need to run, that something is badly wrong and must be fixed.

Not sure of the solution, but you are not alone :)

07-11-11, 17:38
Hi Jess,

A really good tip is to keep yourself occupied. When you're not feeling like doing anything it's difficult, so you have to force yourself. Watch a film, do word puzzles, play an instrument, see a friend (I find this one the best but also the hardest), do whatever it is that absorbs and distracts you.

Secondly, try keeping a diary or notebook. Whenever you get those thoughts that cause a surge, you can note them down. There are a few benefits of this. First, your brain can accept that it's been dealt with, so doesn't need to keep turning it over (and reminding you about it). Second, you can also note down rationalisations - e.g. my arm probably hurts because... (I've been leaning on it, I banged into something earlier, etc.) so you can put things into perspective a bit. Third, as you build up your diary you can look back over it and think 'I felt like this two weeks ago. It was nothing serious then, so it's nothing serious now'.

It's rubbish feeling the way you describe, and was possibly the worst thing for me when my HA was bad. I was treating myself as if I was terminally ill, so that's how I felt. I started to feel much better when I realised that, and decided that if I actually was terminally ill, I wasn't going to waste the time I had left moping around. Often easier said than done though.

07-11-11, 18:22
Big hugs hunny, my heart goes out to you, . I know exactly how you feel am having a hard time at the moment. Just remember you are never alone on here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx:hugs:

07-11-11, 19:09
thank you so much for taking the time to reply. It really does help to know i'm not alone. I'm trying to distract myself but i feel so ill - its hard.

The thing is, I got engaged to my lovely boyfriend this week, was promoted at work a couple of weeks ago, we're also about to start IVF. Things are going so well and I'm so happy. i'm scared its all going to fall apart...that i'm going to die and not be able to do all the things i'm looking forward to.

i just wish the nausea would stop.

Jess xxx

07-11-11, 22:13
You are so not alone. I am right there with you - I want to crawl into a hole right now...the Dr. called and left a message to discuss my MRI test results with me....I have myself convinced that I have a brain tumor. :weep: So my adrenaline is so high right now - I feel strange and can't focus. I want to cry - but I am at work and am trying not to.

I totally feel for you!!