View Full Version : Scared of going to far from home

07-11-11, 17:58
Hi everybody
well recently i have been feeling great.so i told my nan who has not been well recently i would visit her.well she lives about a hour and 10 mins away maybe less i really want to visit here but i know ill be fine but having the what ifs thoughts.will i get there, will i be ok coming back.i have just come over all wiered and statrted to panic.home is my place of relax and feeling safe but i need to get out and live my life

07-11-11, 18:16
Hi, i can really sympathise with how you feel, but you said yourself you have been feeling great recently, so the feelings you are having now is your anxiety playing up. you know you will be ok, if you visit, why not try a smaller, nearer trip first, see how you go, but if you try to overcome these feelings of anxiety , you will do it, nothing bad will happen, i have been where you are now, and the more i tried to overcome my fears, with short trips, the better it came, and when you do it you will feel such a sense of achievement, and make your nan feel great too. good luck x

07-11-11, 18:53
Thankyou pink dove i really needed that little boost just anxiety is always there just waitin to get me again

08-11-11, 08:17
i struggle going far places too ive started little journeys and feels better hopefully you could try the same im here if you need a chat

08-11-11, 11:08
good luck and keep us posted, i'm sure you can do it x

08-11-11, 18:06
Yes it's those what ifs, the way forward is to be positive and banish those what ifs with I ams. I believe that what you are really frightened of is having a panic attack away from your comfort zone. I know because I have been there and do you know what it takes a very strong minded individual to change that way of thinking.
What you are going through is called anticipatory anxiety and the interesting thing about anticipatory anxiety is that will be the highest point of the anxiety curve. If you went out and did things you will find your anxiety will fall.
Anxiety is a protective mechanism and your brain is keeping you safe but it is acting inappropriately in your circumstance. Here is what I did to push myself into situations where I knew that things would be challenging. I bought a MP3 player, chose some music I actually knew would distract me and I put some headphones in and yes it worked. My body still tried to react on leaving home but it was very short and intermittent in duration. As time goes on then switch your player off and see how you get on. At the slightest negativity switch the music back on again.
I hope this will help