View Full Version : ovarian cancer.

07-11-11, 19:21
Should i be worried about these symptoms. I had a late period and when it came it was light and only lasted 2 days. My stomach feels weird and i have pains in my armpits, back, front and down by my ovary. I also have loose bowels and have to go about 5 mins after i get up, and loads of gas. I am a little nauseas and not fancying many foods.I am constantly worrying that its ovarian cancer because i googled. I have a tense feeling constantly in my stomach and i cant stop thinking i have this. I went to docs this morning and she felt my stomach and said she couldnt feel anything and she took my bloods for hormone levels. Should i be satisfied with this because i have read ibs symptoms mimic ovarian cancer?

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:21 ----------

Can nobody relate to any of these symptoms?

macc noodle
07-11-11, 20:11
First of all STOP GOOGLING Zippy - it does you no good!

Do you mind me asking how old you are? I am 50 and have suffered similar for past 3 years and convinced myself I had ovarian cancer - but I don't - I have IBS and perimenopause!!!

You sound as if you are making yourself very tense over this and thus causing the bowel movements and pains etc.

I would await the docs blood test results for the hormone levels - although even if they come back "normal" you can still be fluctuating and it can be a hormonal issue!

If she cannot feel anything I would be satisfied with that but if you are not, why not ask for a scan - explain how concerned you are and see what she says.

Good luck

Macc Noodle

07-11-11, 20:15
Hi i am 42. I just cant help thinking that ibs can not be causing all these pains and weird sensations and my gas is awful.
What were your typical symptoms with your ibs? Can the pains be as low as your ovaries and in your back?