View Full Version : Work hours

07-11-11, 19:10
I've been having an issue at work lately I asked for less hours repeatedly but still I am working more than I want to. It's not a massive number only just under 30 hours but I rather do 16 hours. A few weeks ago they changed it to 16 but asked me a day later to do overtime and next week assumed I'd do it again without asking.

I asked again but they keep saying "well what hours do you want" and there is others who want overtime but seemingly I do my job good and they won't or find some way round keeping me on these hours. I dislike the job and it's boring I fear the only way is finding a new job as it seems they won't drop my hours.

I am only contracted to 16 and the extra hours are handed out on who's the best worker I think. They are not very approachable to talk to this about. I said stress was the reason and still they won't fix the hours. :unsure: I fear just giving the job up that's why I like doing less I can look around without feeling to down about being at work too many days.

07-11-11, 20:47
They should listen to you, can't you tell them your doctor has told you to work less hours.

07-11-11, 20:48
I have GAD for 19 yrs and it unfortunately has got worse each year. I work in the public sector. Recently i was again off with anxiety. As part of my sickness procedure I had to go and see occupational health. Anyhow the upshot is at the request of occupational health I am now covered by the disability discrimination legislation. This has been a relief. I dont know what kind of job you do you may be able to get support that way. Does your employer know?
I hope things get better for you soon. Sarah:)

07-11-11, 21:50
I have GAD for 19 yrs and it unfortunately has got worse each year. I work in the public sector. Recently i was again off with anxiety. As part of my sickness procedure I had to go and see occupational health. Anyhow the upshot is at the request of occupational health I am now covered by the disability discrimination legislation. This has been a relief. I dont know what kind of job you do you may be able to get support that way. Does your employer know?
I hope things get better for you soon. Sarah:)

Well it's not really anxiety atall if I'm being honest.

I just don't enjoy the job so I feel depressed being there..dead end work wish i had a career. :huh: Same happened in a job in 2008 I worked 35 hours and cut to 16 which meant I lasted longer in the job before I eventually walked out like a year later..but most employers if you say you want less hours they seem more approachable.

I feel almost if my hours suit them..they know I'm not at college ect..just not sure how to get out of the hours.

08-11-11, 07:34
I imagine your hours do suit them, that is because they are employing you, not the other way round. Really you need to look for a job that already has the hours you want, rather than getting one with more, then trying to reduce them down, as this isn't going to go down well in a lot of places.

If you are looking for a career instead, then you need to work towards this by getting some relevant qualifications, otherwise you are going to have to take what is out there, and sadly this is often boring mundane unskilled work, which you will probably get fed up of again.

08-11-11, 19:55
Phil06 I do sympathise - I am in a similar situation. Due to OCD issues I can't cope with full time work, yet am under continual pressure to do more hours. It's very difficult as they put so much pressure on you, and often other colleagues are more than happy to do extra hours and don't understand that for others it's difficult to cope with.

I'm not sure what the answer is, other than to probably keep looking for another job. Even if the work is boring, if you feel more in control of your life and what is being asked of you in a job, you will cope better.

All the best.

jaded jean
09-11-11, 07:10
Hi Phil.
cant you just say no? you have your contracted 16 hours then they should go with that surely?? I know its a difficult word to say at work as you would look like a loser etc as I feel that way too. I was on 18.5 hours and I asked for more but the workload has increased 100 fold and I get told as other workmates do its all about time management - I work in the public sector and it is difficult with keeping your public face on too. when I had my occy health appt it was decided that my employers observe the DDA as well and that makes me feel safe in my job. I still get blips as I did last week . But I just carry on,
Keep strong hun what you decide in the end will be the best for you x