View Full Version : any1 have overactive thyroid?

07-11-11, 20:56
got diagnosed with overactive thyroid just want 2 know if any1 else has? xx

07-11-11, 21:22
Yes diagnosed april 2010 been off caRB 4MONTHS YAY!!!!

07-11-11, 21:25
I had Graves Disease in the past - took carbimazole for over a year. I've now gone underactive though, and I have to say I feel worse (though I didn't like the fast heart rate that comes with overactive!).

07-11-11, 21:30
Hi darwin, don't get much opportunity to quiz a fellow sufferer so i hope you don't mind if I ask how long did it take for you to go hypo after stopping carb?

07-11-11, 21:45
i get so scared bout it though, its only slightly raised any1 here gt it bad? xx

07-11-11, 21:50
Hi lora, well I've just been diagnosed with hypo and I stopped taking the carbimazole ooh about 15 years ago now (was in my very early 20s when I had Graves). However, to be honest I've had hypo symptoms I believe for years now, (more than 5), but it creeps up on you very slowly, so it wasn't until my heart rate slowed down this year that I finally went to the docs and asked him to test my thyroid.

---------- Post added at 21:49 ---------- Previous post was at 21:46 ----------

faith112, I had it pretty bad. I could not stand up for more than 10 mins and my resting heart rate was 140-150. I felt hot and sweaty all the time and I used to drink loads of water.

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Also, I lost a stone in 2 weeks.

07-11-11, 21:52
I had AFIB faith, was very poorly mentally and physically. I am in remission and have been for 4 months Unfortunately I have now been diagnosed with hyperparathyroid , not common so don't worry .TAKE THE CARB if that is your medication and give it time .The LEVELS you need to keep an eye on are TSH T4 and T3 iF YOU NEED TO KNOW MORE JUST MESSAGE ME X

07-11-11, 21:52
how long did u have it before it went bad? wat treatment did u take? xx

07-11-11, 21:59
Oh, I am waiting anxiously to see if I will stay in remission and have been ad
vised by one endo I will go hypo and another who says I won't! Go figure!My bp is so low sometimes I get palps but like you i'm glad the racing heart is giving me a rest. Sounds like hypo's no fun either Is the levo doing any good?

07-11-11, 22:06
Mine was only bad because I didn't go to the Drs till I felt really ill so wasn't diagnosed until symptoms were kicking in big time. I was on carbimazole to surpress the thyroid and propranolol (beta blocker) to slow down my heart. However, as you have been diagnosed faith, there should be no reason for it to get worse once treatment has started (sometimes it takes a while to tweak the right dose, but you will be monitored by the doc so there is no need to worry). I think I was having symptoms for 6 months to a year before I went to the doc...

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------

I've only been on levo for 3 weeks and have been started on a fairly low dose, so I can't say I've noticed any improvement yet. I'm so cold and tired all the time. I've read that levo takes a while before you start to feel any benefit.

07-11-11, 22:14
Hi faith 'think it was a slow progression may have had it for a few years before it got bad .I was always hyper on the go all the time rarely tired then I would zonk out. Had palps tachycardia high temp for some time. Had bisopropel (BETABLOCKER) and carbimazole took carb for 14 months. Then weaned off to see if I was in remission 50% do go into remission but I think only 25% stay in remission fingers crossed. Best advise I can give is know your stuff learn about you tsh t4 and t3 .

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ----------

Faith ,what are your symptoms?

08-11-11, 10:37
Hi I to had graves after my 2nd daughter was born. I was 30 then. I was on carb for 3 years and it went into remission then when I was 38 and my mum became ill with cancer and I looked after her for one year. sadly I lost my mum. Then just befor my 40th birthday it came back so I was given carb but they didnt work I was then treated with a radio active Iodine drink. However, it wasn't strong enough so 6 months later I had a 2nd drink and that worked fine. I now take thyroxine I am now 58 and fine. I am suffering with anxiety now but that is problems with marriage break up not my thyroid. Hope you are all ok I am sure you will be. I do think thyroid problems do or can make a person anxious.

Cathy xx

---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 ----------

Hi faith 'think it was a slow progression may have had it for a few years before it got bad .I was always hyper on the go all the time rarely tired then I would zonk out. Had palps tachycardia high temp for some time. Had bisopropel (BETABLOCKER) and carbimazole took carb for 14 months. Then weaned off to see if I was in remission 50% do go into remission but I think only 25% stay in remission fingers crossed. Best advise I can give is know your stuff learn about you tsh t4 and t3 .

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ----------

Faith ,what are your symptoms?

Hi Lora I think I was like you I defo think I had it for a good few years before it was diagnosed. as I was always skinny lol but hyper all the time and was anxious in my teens about this and that. Also It took a few blood test to diagnose. It was only that my eyes were poppy that the gp new and I was very itchy that's why I went to my gp. My eyes are ok now thank god. Take care.

Cathy xx