View Full Version : lossing weight :(

little kyle
07-11-11, 21:17
do you loss weight through stress and anxiety i did 55.5kg = 8.7 stone now my weight is 8.3stone as low as 50.4kg = 7.9 stone

07-11-11, 21:22
Yes, a couple of times I have had very stressful things happen in my life which made me lose my appetite and so therefore I lost weight.

07-11-11, 21:28
Yes, I have lost nearly 2 stone in 6 months through anxiety :(

07-11-11, 21:30
I lost over a stone, ended up underweight.
I have gained and lost ever since.
I have put on 8 pounds, but due to my appetite going and feeling sick I am starting to loose again :(
Eat HIGH fat foods, pizza, chocolate muffins have 500 calories ;)

I don't usually eat junk food but I did so to gain weight without feeling over full.

try to ALWAYS have a proper dinner, I can manage a dinner ok most days.
If not try chicken soup or eggs, anything with protein.

It's vain but I hate how my face looks, I look ill and older, I want my cheek/face fat back so badly. I hate looking "different"

07-11-11, 21:40
Yes, 4 stones in 18 months...only recently started to regain a few pounds and 12 years ago I lost 2 stones in abt 6 months but regained it quite quickly after I felt better.

07-11-11, 22:12
yeah i can lose a stone in a week ha ha !!

feeling a bit fat this week lol!! but no panic attacks so all very very good...

hyper xx

little kyle
08-11-11, 00:36
i must say thank you for your feed back with the replys means alot to me you all really have help me out thank you so so much
