View Full Version : Brain Tumor Fear - Call back on MRI results

07-11-11, 21:58
Okay - had an MRI done last Wed for facial spasms.....I knew my Dr would get the results back fast as everything is online now a days. So she called me this afternoon and left a message for me to give her a buzz back or she would try me again tomorrow regarding the test results.

My anxeity is so high right now I could just cry!! My first reaction is why didn't she just say the tests were fine and then leave me a message so I wouldn't worry. Does this meant he tests weren't fine? I have a million things going through my head right now!! AARRGGHHH!!! I want to crawl into a hole!! :weep:

07-11-11, 22:19
You're not alone. I'm waiting on brain MRI results, too! :scared15: I think that if it's anything truly horrible, though, they notify you sooner rather than later? Hope all goes well for you.

08-11-11, 00:24
I think some times the waiting is worse then the test itself. The Dr. and I are playing phone tag she called me back and left a message that she will call me back between 12 & 1 or after 3:00 tomorrow....I guess I can think about it this way. If it were very bad news she would more than likely have me call and talk to a nurse for an appt. oh who knows....I just worry...I think my husband is ready to shoot me. And totop it off my anxiety is making my symptoms worse. I need to relax (I wish it were that easy)!

Now, if I were to read your post Vivi...I would tell you to stay calm....the chances of anything sinister being wrong is very small. The results don't take that long to get back...usually just a couple of days (everything is electronic now - they get test results back really fast)....and the Dr will call you to review. So don't panic when they call - there is more of a chance that everything is fine then if something is wrong.

Now why can't I take my own advice??

08-11-11, 18:25
I am not sure about in the States but the doctor's in the UK are not allowed to leave test results on an answer phone message for patient confidentiality. I am sure it is all fine,

10-11-11, 02:03
Update - I finally got to talk to my Dr. on Tuesday (Yesterday)....and the first thing she said to me was there was nothing on my test to be overly concerned about. The only thing they found was my optic nerve was a little bit swollen...she wants me to go to the eye Dr to get it checked out. She isn't too worried and said it really may just be the way I am....I still have an appt with the Neurologist on Friday to ask about the facial spasms ( I already know what it is and it isn't life threatening)..

So, in short - I worried a lot for nothing!! Why oh why?!?!

12-11-11, 06:33
Great news. I'm waiting for my MRI results too. Strange how these results feel like a threat and that they could change your life forever. I cant sleep properly I am light headed all the symptoms of anxiety but I still fear the worse. Its great to hear all is well with you. It gives others waiting on MRI hope.
