View Full Version : Sleep problems

08-11-11, 09:43
Been having lots of problems with sleeping since the panic attacks started. Last night was a bad-ish one :(

Woke up at 3am and was wide awake until about 5.30am with the occasional panic feeling in my chest. Woke up again when my alarm went off but then drifted back to sleep until 8.50am (work starts at 9am!) Boss was understanding about it, I was only 20 mins late so she was more impressed with how quickly I got to work!

I either sleep loads or wake up in the middle of the night or very early in the morning and I'm exhausted. Really don't want to take tablets, Nytol or herbal stuff doesn't work for me.

Anyone had similar problems that were fixed without tablets?

Thanks, Sookie :)

08-11-11, 10:24
Yes. Sleep problems are horrible but you have to be tough with them. Go to bed at the same time every night. 10 to 11 pm is ok DON'T go later than 11pm. Don't take alcohol and if you smoke try not to have a cigarette after 9 pm. Set your alarm for a reasonable time probably half hour earlier than you have been setting it. Get up at that time regardless of whether it is a work day or not.

Make sure your bedroom is a comfortable temperature for you (different people have different comfort levels) ensure you have the most comfortable type and amount of bedclothes. If you have a TV in your room get rid of it, TV is the most disruptive thing to sleep...they give off ultra violet light which disrupts your body clock. If you like music have a CD or the radio playing low (I listen to Radio 4 and the World Service all night except I don't because I sleep....can't sleep without them!) Ensure you do not feel hungry or thirsty, take a glass of water with you so that if you do wake up thirsty you don't have to get out of bed.

If it helps have a relaxing bath or shower before bedtime. If you do wake up in the night stay in bed, don't turn on the light....listen to your music instead. If you sleep with a partner negiotiate a few nights in a seperate room so that you can get your sleep pattern back. Your partner will understand if you explain the problem nicely...and it will be more fun when you get together again. And if your radio/CD player disturbs your partner try an MP3 player with comfortable earphones.

If you have trouble going to sleep in the first place try listing things in your head...I do the Kings and Queens of England, all the Dr Whos in the right order. Counties of England and Wales (in any order) Shops on the High Street, Countries of the EU I rarely finish the list...I am asleep.

Good sleep is a habit..hope some of this works for you.

08-11-11, 10:42
If you like music have a CD or the radio playing low (I listen to Radio 4 and the World Service all night except I don't because I sleep....can't sleep without them!)

This works fine until they switch to Schools programs about 3.00am, which wakes me up like a shot, but my wifge cannot sleep without the radio on! :doh:

paula lynne
08-11-11, 10:46
You could try Lavender Oil? Mix a few drops in 10ml of olive oil or milk and add to your bath. Be careful getting out, and rinse the bath afterwards. Use a few drops on your pillow, or put a few drops in the palm of your hand and rub together to warm up the oil, and sniff. If you dont like Lavender, Neroli works well also. Get the best oil you can afford, and check its real oils, not synthetic.
Paula x

09-11-11, 10:14
Thank you everyone, really helpful advice. My appetite has pretty much gone too and I am barely managing to shove down 700 calories a day - this also makes me tired so when I have little to no sleep then I feel like a zombie. I'm only eating cause I know I should and not because I'm hungry. If I try to force more down then I feel really sick.

I do have a tv in my room but that's because I only rent one room in a house, so I cant get rid of it. I have tried listening to relaxing music before bed and sometimes it does help.

Thyme - I will try to name lists of things in my head, that is a really good idea. I couldn't get further than 1 person on the doctor who list though ha ha ha ;)