View Full Version : Horrible leg and back pain

08-11-11, 11:19

I haven't been on here for a while - trying hard to keep everything stable and logical but I feel I am slipping again!

Since the Summer, I have been having twinges every now and then in my lower back and groin in my left leg. However, in the last 3 weeks, this pain has become increasingly worse. My left leg aches most of the time, like a cramp, mostly down the back of my thigh to my knee but also down the side and in my groin. My knee and hip ache too. Over the last few years, I have had on and off trouble with my lower back. Sometimes, it is so bad at night that it wakes me when I turn over. Although I have had several attacks like this before (and they can last up to a couple of months), I am panicing that it may be a tumor or something!!

My leg hurts more when sitting or laying on that side and the pain is often relieved by standing up although walking a lot can aggrevate it too. I have also been decorating for the last month so that probably hasn't helped!! I have tried heat pads and neurofen. Any advice?

08-11-11, 11:37
I have been getting an ache in my left groin area which radiates into my back. My groin and thigh hurt when i move my leg in bed, I have convinced myself i have ovarian cancer because i have stomach pains,wind and loose bowels etc as well as pain down by my left ovary.

08-11-11, 16:30
Weirdly, I have looked back at past posts and diary entries and have seen that in October/November in both 2009 and 2010, I suffered from the same leg and back pain! I guess as it went away eventually both times, then it can't be anything too bad!!

08-11-11, 17:08
JO3016 I have just done the same as you and looked at my old posts and i said i had hip/thigh pain and pain by ovary,loose bowels and pains in my back and side last year. We must forget that we have had the same symptoms before and convince ourselves its something new. Although i dont suppose the reassurance will last long.

08-11-11, 17:18
This type of ache sounds muscular to me. Could be that you've got a minor problem with your back that you're adjusting for ever so slightly, and that's then causing the aches in your hip and knee. I'd say stick with the heat pads, and make sure you keep the sore bits moving gently (unless it's very painful). If it's bad enough to stop you exercising or doing other things, or if you're taking pain killers for more than a few days, perhaps see the GP for a proper diagnosis and maybe a referral for physio.

Since you've had it at this time in previous years, it could be an old niggle that is aggrevated by cold and damp. Or it could just be that as the nights draw in your mood drops and you notice small things more - I know I do.

Glad you checked your diary and feel better now! x