View Full Version : Going to the doctors about Social Anxiety?

08-11-11, 11:31
Today, my mum has made an appointment for me to go to the doctor about my social anxiety. Although I know it's probably the right thing to do, as living with fear of social situations is just ridiculous. I just wanted to know, will going to the doctors actually work? what can they actually do to make it any better? I'm worried that they'll think I'm stupid.

08-11-11, 11:58
your mum is right, you should go to your gp, they will not think you are stupid love, they are used to seeing a lot of patients with social anxiety, it is a lot more common than you think. there are lots of things they can do to help you through this, they will know the best treatment for you, as everyone is differents, but going is the first step to getting better. good luck x

08-11-11, 12:00
It will probably be useful to go the doctors, if for nothing else than being able to talk to someone. They might be able to recommend some counseling, or CBT courses. But you should never worry about people thinking you are stupid. I once called an ambulance because i had a huge panic attack and by the time they arrived i already felt better, and i was worried they would think i was a fool until the paramedic told me that they have been called out to people because they have a cough or are sneezing. Anxiety is a real issue. I hope the doctor helps.

08-11-11, 14:56
Today, my mum has made an appointment for me to go to the doctor about my social anxiety. Although I know it's probably the right thing to do, as living with fear of social situations is just ridiculous. I just wanted to know, will going to the doctors actually work? what can they actually do to make it any better? I'm worried that they'll think I'm stupid.

Hi, yes, you're doing the right thing by telling your gp about your problem. Mine referred me for CBT, a talking therapy, to help with my GAD and social anxiety. My therapist advised me to buy the book 'Overcoming social anxiety and shyness' by Gillian Butler. I read it alongside my treatment and together it was a massive help. You just need that support. It's not a trivial problem as it can hold you back throughout your life and learning skills to control it is the way forward. You may have a long wait for CBT so I would buy the book in the meantime if I were you. Good luck, T x

08-11-11, 15:19
its the right thing to do, its a serious condition that can affect your life, so you should seek help to deal with it.