View Full Version : think im dying.

08-11-11, 11:54
hey guys past few weeks my symptoms have seem to gotten really bad, my dizziness is throgh the roof and the nmbness all over my body / head is getting unberable even when i touch my own hands it doesnt feel like me, i cannot sleep during the day or night and ive not been eating as much as usual.. i dont feel sick in any way atall. my eyes are causing me concern too as i keep getting double vision. could all these strong feeling be anxiety im beginning to doubt it.

- kevinn:unsure:

08-11-11, 12:00
I hope you're not dying Kevin, and I hope it's just anxiety because it sounds very like how I feel a lot of the time :scared15:

08-11-11, 12:02
i dont care anymore livin with these feelings is like hell on earth, i just dont want to suffer if i die :(

08-11-11, 12:07
I am very very dizzy too. Ive been to the drs so many times, had bloods etc and theres no obvious reason apart from my anxiety apparently. I think its down to having low blood pressure which i find scary, but for some reason my dr isnt worried about that at all.

It's hard to believe i know, but apparently when u panic the front of your brain doesnt work as effectively(the prefrontal cortex). Its this part of the brain that controls foreward thinking, future plans and rationalising. When we panic, the brain uses the hypothalamus (i the centre of the brain)which is all about the 'fight or flight' - it's about survival - being aware all the time to survive etc. It doesnt need to use the front of the brain and so we feel dizzy. (this is what my counsellor explained to me)
It's hard to accept but maybe it's the anxiety causing it?


paula lynne
08-11-11, 12:10
Check out "symptoms" in the left hand column under Problems/Issues. Once you acknowledge this is anxiety, you can start recovering. Feeling like you are in a dream state where everything seems wrong or unreal is part of anxiety. Reading about it can help you understand why its happening and what you can to to help yourself. I know its awful, but you need to be pro-active. Hope you feel better soon x

08-11-11, 12:13
oi mr wilson !! you most certainly are not dying and if you are find a better way to spend your last few minutes on earth there must be a better way to go :winks:

seriously though hun you are a young man strong and healthy you are not gonna die anytime soon you are having a rubbish time but it will get better, weve all been where you are now and its not nice but it does pass you have to fight it kev dont let it grind you down xxx

and on a lighter note again im gonna be late for work now i stopped to speak to you so me killing you may be a n option youd like to consider :D

take care hun , speak to you soon xxx

08-11-11, 17:15
it cant be stress im getting too many real symptoms now and im sick of this :(

08-11-11, 17:25
It can be stress and anxiety. Believe me i have had a pile of symptoms and tests and they all the docs say anxiety. Headaches,dizziness,jittery,insomnia,fatigue,stoma ch issues,random pains in head/stomach/back/legs,numbness,tingling,mood swings,nausea,weight loss. I had loads of tests last year mri brain scan/pelvic scan/abdominal scan/chest xray/endoscopy/colonoscopy and numerous blood tests and not one thing was ever found.

08-11-11, 17:28
Anxiety can do weird things to your body and especially if you are not sleeping. Are you on any meds already? If you are feeling so bad I think its time for a visit to the doctor. I know anxiety does cause many symptoms and I've had them myself but you need some help with all this. I hope things start to improve.

08-11-11, 18:06
i just want to concur with what everyone else has said... the mind is so powerful it can convince you of anything... I think i'm normally quite a rational person.. i have a phd in science! but... when i have anxiety.. the feelings feel so real.. but they're not... it takes a while to convince myself that they;re not though!!

hang in there... it will pass... and there will be a day when you'll look back and think "what was i thinking?!"

Jess xxx

08-11-11, 18:16
I don't think your going to die anytime soon! Your symptoms are real....as I have had many of them. And yes, you can chalk them up to anxiety and stress. Its like this vicious cycle - you think your sick and anxiety hits which makes you more sick and more anxious. Man, I wish there was a switch in my head I could turn off to stop all these thoughts. I always tell my husband - my brain doesn't think like yours. I was trying to read back on this thread....are you on any type of anxiety medication??