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View Full Version : Why can I never believe the logical answer?

08-11-11, 13:18
I am in the middle of changing meds so of course my health anxiety has come back with a vengence..... the thing is this time I know why I'm in pain...

I'm currently experiencing quite intense pain in my hip... tht thing is I can even remember when it started hurting.... I pushed myself too hard on a 12 mile run and spent the next few days limping.... ever since it's hurt. How bad depends on what I'm doing but in general it has hurt now for about 18 months.....

recently I haven't been able to exercise with starting a new job and the pain seems to have intensified meaning I'm thinking about it all the time.... however no matter how many times my mum (who is a physio) tells me it's due to a specific muscle (she knows the name) I still think it's bone cancer.

In 2000 my uncle had bone cancer in his hip and they thought it was due to a sports injury andI can't et that out of my head....

Why is it so hard to believe the logical answer?

Sarah Louise
08-11-11, 16:01
Hi Nutmeg,

Its because its how you have trained yourself to think and if you have been in the pattern of thinking that every little ache and lump is something serious then its the first thing you will think of when you are in pain or feel a perfectly normal lump etc

Antidepressants may stop the symptoms but they wont change the psychological side of things that needs work through CBT to re train your thought process.

I lost a loved one suddenly to a illness and that is what started my Health Anxiety xx

I really hope you can learn a different way of thinking so you can live a life without worry good luck xxx