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View Full Version : Health worries, migraines again!

27-05-06, 12:42
Hi Guys,

I have to say for the first time in ages I'm having a really long lingering sense of anxiety and doom, and all because of my migraines I think. Since they got more frequent I began researching them, went ot the drs yesterday and had a talk and now i know of some preventive measures to take and things to do when I have a migraine... but its worried me more!

It's health anxiety but instead of imagining I have something, I know I suffer from migraines and really, I'm better off but i find myself fearing them more. I had a migraine on thursday and I dealt with it very well, in fact I felt ok while having it, it was only afterwards in the evening I got all panicky - you could read about what I did in another post in the tips section cos I'm quite proud of myself - but its still horrible and I'm very anxious.

I've got some rescue remedy here too but I'm even afraid to take that because i hate taking things I've never used before. I'm not terrible but i just feel like tyhere is nothing to look forward to at the moment, like migraines and anxiety is my life and its really getting me down. It doesn't help that I know summer is on its way too and I've always had a history of migraines in the summer because of the humid weather and the bright sunshine. Ive spent most opf the day doing relaxation exercises because I don't feel comfortable doing anything else.... any help please??

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It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

27-05-06, 14:15
hello mr monkey i to suffer with migraines i find the best way to get read of them is to have long baths with lavander oill in them and then i offten get to rub some mixed with a base oill on me tempels it helps me so much also me partner will give me a nice long back rub with the oill to i find it reall helps me

i to get paincky in the evenings and this is were me lavaner oil comes in . and well done for coping well with your last one.

resuue remedy is fine but i think you might be better off with rock rose or aspin not sure.

i to hate the summer as well cause i get to hot and me headacks get more and more, but you sound like you know what your doing. your doing so well, try the lavander oill baths and some lavender mixed with some alman oill (best from the body shop) to massage never use essancail oill on the skin always mix them with a base oil.

let me know how you get on with the lavender oill? it has been a really life saver for me

best of luck amanda xx

sorry about me spelling

dont worry about today, for today was the tomorrow you worried about yeaterday

27-05-06, 17:17
Thanks Hunny, I'll give that a try. I'll pick some up next time i go shopping. I'm feeling a bit better now because I just ahd some curtains put up in my room and I can make it dark if I want to :) always helpful

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It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

27-05-06, 18:40
Hi Monkey
Sorry to hear about your migraines,i also suffer badly with them sometimes mine can last for days and its hard to relax and put it down to anxiety when your heads throbbing away, your prone to anxiety and all the woories headaches bring anyway.
Have you looked at your diet to see if anything you eat triggers them? I know when i drink red wine and eat chocolate (two of my favourite things[Sigh...] ) they can bring on migrains,i limit these as much as poss!
Also when im doing my relaxation tecniques as i breathe in i imagine fresh curing air filling my head/body and as i breathe out im releasing the pain in my head and any tensions or diseases i happen to be worrying about at the time. This does help with my health anxiety and i can take a more relaxed attitutude to any health worries i have at the time.
Try rubbing your head at the base of the skull at the top of the neck in circular motions i find this also helps and i agree with hunni lavender is a must have,a bath with lavender oil a day can help keep that anxiety away!

Hope you start feeling better soon and that these horrid migraines dont get you down too much!

Take care xx

27-05-06, 20:24
Hey you!

Take your rescue remedy mr! Seriously its brilliant stuff, you won't even notice its effect until you realise Oh! i've stopped panicing. Its very gradual and doesn't just knock you out or anything, just calms you down and helps you cope.

It's easy to over think things after they happen even when we have a good day. Sometimes I think... oh i havent thought about ben today... i'm having a good day... then my mind will go haywire and i'll get myself all worked up again. I think its just a case of distraction, easier said than done I know but very very possible xx

27-05-06, 20:30
Thank you, yes, I have recently come to the same conclusion. I have far too much free time on my hands so I end up worrying. I'm going to keep myself occupied and try to exercise more and see how it goes. I'll try all your suggestions too.

I did have a bit of rr in the end. Was good, hard to say when it took effect cos i started distracting mysel fstraight after, but i coped with a hectic shopping trip and didn't freak out too much. I'm just always paranoid about new things and fear side effects.

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It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]