View Full Version : Very strange headaches. Help please

08-11-11, 16:32

This is my first post on this website so please be nice.

I am going to give you a quick background of whats been happening and then where I am now.

July I was made redundant. I was out of work for a month, Ive got a job now but its not what I like and feels like a step back. I started in August.

In the middle of September my son caught hand foot and mouth disease, which is were you get little spots on your hands and feet and often Ulcers all over your tongue. As I was in close contact caring for him I ended up catching this too. The hands didnt bother me as they don't hurt. But I got a huge ulcer on my tongue that would hurt at any slight movement and I would dread the feeling when it was set off. I did notice teeth marks all aronud the edge of my tongue at this point.

After a week, the ulcer had just about gone, no more pain, I was sat at my desk and boom, it felt like my head had just popped. I went very dizzy and the room went dark. This set off racing pulse and worry.

It happened two more times that day, I went to the doctors and he said prob just a virus due to hand foot and mouth and get rest and drink plenty. I did this and had a few more of the head rushs over the next few days. I also delveloped what I can describe as a stone in my stomach that would give me heartburn and felt like I was bloated all the time.

I went back to the doctors and he said I have a fever, a ear infection and indegestion. I got amoxicillan and some kind of stomach calming tablets. I didnt have any pain in my ear at all.

By now the headrushs and dizziness have stopped but I am noticing what I can only describe as tingling in my head, right at the top that would stop if touched but quickly restart.

A blood test at the doctors again said nothing was wrong and I had now got a pain in the back of my neck along with the tingle. I was told to do neck stretches.

Its now 6 weeks after the hand foot and mouth and I am still feeling the tingly feeling, from about 10am to when I go to bed. The only time its not there is when I wake up although it seems to be starting earlier and earlier. My neck sometimes hurts and under my jaw and occassionally my ear. My stomach is fine now.

Is this head tingle a classic example of tension? Should it have lasted 6 weeks? Oh it seems to be better at home when playing with my son and relaxing and really bad at work!!

Thanks in advance guys. I hate this feeling!

10-11-11, 13:13
It sounds exactly like tension hun, I've had this the same on and off for years now. Its classic sign when you don't wake up with it and gets worse as the days go on. I would love to feel all the day the way I feel when I wake up in the morning ! Also you say when you get distracted it goes which is another classic sign. I also get the tingling, but I get mine when I'm starting a panic attack or in a situation where I'm anxious. I can also feel like this all day then go into work of an evening and it disappears as I don't let anyone else see what am feeling !

Hope I've given you a little reasurrance that your not on your own xxx

16-11-11, 15:48
Thank you for the reply.

I am still getting the tingling feeling / slight soreness at the top of my head and usually down my left side temple and occassionally below my left ear.

Feeling the neck just under my ears the right side is softer and will depress more where the left seems much tenser.

I noticed a weird thing also this week. If I put on a thermal hat, the tingle disappears almost straight away, and comes back as soon as I take it off.

Anyone ever had that and what this points to?

23-03-12, 00:27
ok this sounds like your having pain from the trigeminal nerve. I'm not sure if that is all of it but is very close to what i get. my chiropractor explained it to me and what i could do in between visits to help . though i'm not sure if i could explain it enough so that you would now what to do