View Full Version : loud heartbeat in ear-dont like !

08-11-11, 17:38
Hi all
Dont know if this happens to anyone else but recently Ive been getting episodes of a pulsing feeling in my ears (sometimes just one ) and Im sure its my heartbeat I can hear-but its very unnerving as I dont think I should be hearing it !!
I know theres something called pulsatile tinnitus but I dont know why im getting it-could be the anxiety i suppose
Ive tried to research it logically but other things come up-like problems with the neck arteries which of course feeds my health anxiety.
Has anyone had this ?????????:huh:

08-11-11, 18:19
I get it all the time. Mine is because my ears and sinuses get all bunged up, but there are lots of (minor) things that can cause it. It's really annoying, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

08-11-11, 19:51
I have had this for 30 years. It never gets any worse and I have no other issues with it.

08-11-11, 23:10
Pulsitile tinnitus does not come and go once you have it its there constantly. I know I have had it for past 4 years. Its easy enough to work out if you are hearing your heartbeat, take your pulse at wrist and listen to noise and the two will coincide. Again PT does not alternate between ears , it usually only affects one ear.

Bunged up ears and sinuses can give a similar sensation on an off but this is not PT.

If you really think you have PT then see your Dr about it as they usually do a few tests to rule out some causes of it but if its just something that you get on and off and between ears then its unlikely to be PT.

09-11-11, 10:04
Thanks for replies guys-feel reassured now !!

15-11-11, 20:54
I have this in my right ear. Mine is due to the hearing problems I have ( I wear hearing aids and nearly deaf) its so annoying but moreso at night when am trying to get to sleep or when I have a panic attack as it obviously quickens up in my ear too xxx