View Full Version : tonsil problems - please respond!!

08-11-11, 17:50
Sorry to keep bringing this up, but now I am freaking out again!! Of course. I posted in my original thread but am making it a new one too hoping somebody sees this who can relate/calm me down a bit.

So I went to an ENT in Feb about my tonsil because I did not know that's what it was (lingual tonsil back of tongue) and he said it was a tonsil that had grown back, not concerned. Now I am scared because I have been having this issue with a bubble forming on/infront of it on my tongue, and then it pops eventually. It came back thuogh when I was sick this week and if I feel under my jaw in the floor of my mouth I can feel a bump/gland on one side (with the tonsil) but not the other. Is it normal to have this gland on one side and not the other???

I freaked myself out because I have been able to feel this difference since about April of this year but just attributed it to being my tonsil. But stupidly since I have been sick, I googled about tonsils and it said that signs of tonsil cancer can be 1. one tonsil larger on on side and 2. sore that won't heal. What if that is what this bubble is? I have had it show up and pop before!!!!

Dentist a month ago didn't notice any thing, but he didnt really look around back there. Also had my glands felt by doctor about two weeks ago and didn't say anything was abnormal, but she didn't really feel around up under my jaw and bottom of my mouth ...

Please respond!!!!

08-11-11, 17:59

We all have uneven lumps around our body..I have a benign tumour on my liver- the size of a golf ball - randomly! I'm sure this "bubble" is the same... what colour is it? i get clear bubbles on the inside of my lips which i can burst sometimes.. I also had uneven tonsils one huge it was almost blocking my airway. I had them out in the end. please try not to panic and trust your dr/dentist. If the bubble comes back again.. go and show it to someone.

Hope that's helped a bit - i know how it is!

Jess xxx

08-11-11, 18:01
Thanks, it's kind of the regular color of my tongue with blueish tinge, sort of clear like you describe. Is that just something that routinely happens to people? I had dental xrays, etc, and nothing was said but I keep thinking that it wouldn't show up on those.

08-11-11, 18:27
I've no idea what causes the bubbles... maybe fluid becoming trapped under the top layer of skin? either way..mine are totally harmless - can't say about yours as am not a medical dr.. but sound like it!