View Full Version : So Worried :-( :-/

08-11-11, 18:31
Having more and more problems with the following issues...........

1.Dizziness (Keep having dizzy spells and feeling very lightheaded and like i am walking on water.)

2.Throat (I am waiting to have my Tonsillectomy in just under 3 weeks but my tonsils like kind of infected but my throat looks terrible, Lots of red and white plus what looks like bloody bits like it is bleeding plus weird black/blue bits), Worried about Throat Cancer or something like that!!.

3.Stomach (Getting pains in the stomach, sides, bum area, top of my legs, testicles, under the stomach, Keep feeling sick).

Went to the doctor today and had to do a Urine sample which was ok, She felt around my stomach and under my stomach but couldn't feel anything abnormal, She gave me some Mebeverine which i believe is used for Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

The thing is IBS doesn't cause bad pains under the stomach and near the bum and testicle area does it?

Worried about a few things like Stomach, Bowel and Throat Cancer and things like that :lac:

My blood pressure was ok so what's causing the Dizziness? Brain tumour or some other bad issue?

08-11-11, 18:47
I am also getting pains in my stomach/side/thigh/groin and leg and loads of other random pains and also lots of wind and my doc suggested ibs but i am like you i cant accept that it would cause all this.

08-11-11, 19:00
My blood pressure was ok so what's causing the Dizziness? Brain tumour or some other bad issue?
anxiety is causing this :)

The thing is IBS doesn't cause bad pains under the stomach and near the bum and testicle area does it?
it can do yes. ibs can do lots of strange things. anxiety makes ibs worse.

08-11-11, 19:19
My blood pressure is always ok and i have dizziness. Do you get pains in your side and back? I even get them under my armpit:ohmy:

08-11-11, 19:22
I'm convinced I've got Cancer in at least one part of my body or maybe more or maybe spread in a few places or that I'm going to keel over at any moment!!

08-11-11, 19:24
Same here i am convinced i am dying with some form of cancer.I try and reassure myself out of feeling that i am about to die but its short lived.