View Full Version : More anxious when alone!!!

08-11-11, 19:44
I am currently going through a bad patch and i think i have ovarian cancer because i googled and i think i have all the symptoms. I am very anxious and feel so ill but on saturday we had a bonfire party and lots of friends and family around. I drank alcohol and most of the night i felt fine and didnt think or focus on every little pain. Anyhow the next day my friend was still here because she stayed and she didnt go home until late. As soon as she went home i started googling and looking on here and i was anxious and crying again. I keep thinking if i did have cancer how come i forgot when people were here because if i did wouldnt the pains be here all the time. Strange, but i am back to being paranoid and crying all day and think i am dying.

08-11-11, 19:48
Take comfort in the fact that the symptoms go when you are distracted. You can now work on managing your anxiety. Tell yourself out loud that you are strong and healthy and your ovaries are fine. I know it sounds silly but I have chanted a similar mantra to myself for days at a time. It works for distracting you.

08-11-11, 19:57
The pains feel very real. I dont know if the pains go when we are distracted or we just dont focus on them as much. My friend and my partner both said to me "you were fine last night" but i am back to being a neurotic, crying paranoid wreck. I have odd spells during the day when i say to myself get a grip and then within half hour when i feel a pain or twinge it just reinforces i am ill.

09-11-11, 10:32
Rest asured a bit in the fact lots of us are going through simular things on here. My symptoms, although totally different from yours do the same they go when I'm occupied and when I'm alone they play havok.
somtimes when I'm out and having fun I stop and think "Oh they have gone" and when I do that I feel them, but they are deffinatly not there before I think about it.

I read somewhere the mind is a funny thing, it trys to manage the body, where most of the time, where health is concerned the body looks after itself and the mind gets in the way. Personally I would try and occupy your self the best you can, keep that mind active and away from health related issues. Try doing soduku or listening to positive music or comediens, works for me so maybe worth a try.

Good luck


09-11-11, 10:58
I know the mind is a funny thing and i have made myself ill on numerous occasions but i always think i feel different this time and i am dying. The thoughts just come back when i have finished what i was doing.