View Full Version : Fissure update

08-11-11, 20:53
I had a fissure in april which eventuallynty healed after many months, but i became constipated again last week and it has split again.
have been prescribed anoheal - has anyone used this. If this doesnt heal it i will have botox - again has anyone had this.also dr said they usually give you a ga for botox injection, i wonder if you can have it without, i should of asked dr !!!
Am due to have endoscopy as well on monday , feel quite scared !!
Have had them before , but this doesnt help my anxiety !

09-11-11, 20:07
has anyone used this cream ? thanks

09-11-11, 20:58
Hope all goes well for you on Monday Pb..Fissures can be notoriously hard to heal.There are quite a few posts ive seen on here about them.
I havent heard of that particular cream though im afraid.

09-11-11, 21:32
I just did a search on here and there are a couple of other posts that may help so have a read of them