View Full Version : Anxiety & Panic return..agorophobia??

08-11-11, 21:36
Hi all,
I originally registered with this site around 2007 when I first started getting terrible panic attacks. Eventually given diazepam 2mg 3 times daily and already on beta blockers for high BP. Had about 6 weeks off work and managed to cope well after CBT a year later....Anyway, it's always there, the anxiety, try to carry on as normal..don't want to be a slave to it. Take the diazepam on an as and when basis, my doc is really good.

Recently after a period of stress/anxiety I have had a complete relapse. came home from work for lunch last Tuesday and I just felt like everything had caved in on top of me. Terrible anxiety, couldn't go back to work, thought I was having a total breakdown :wacko: Anyway, I believe now thatam suffering from Agorophobia. Never feel safe unless I am in my 'comfort zone' near enough to get home if I feel threatened in any way. Find it hard to go shopping or drive too far. Put off accepting invites out with friends as I never know how I will feel on the day. It got to the point where I feel physically sick every time I have to go out but I do feel 'safe' once I arrive at work. If I have to leave the office (I do often on business) I get such terrible anxiety and I have got behind with appointments because I am scared to drive too far. Back on the diazepam 2mg 3 times a day now...am taking it one day at a time, signed off for a week. Haven't discussed agorophobia with doc yet, he says I have 'acute anxiety', just wanted someone elses opinion on the condition....also had my first panic attack in ages today :weep:

Thanks all :)

08-11-11, 21:38
Hi kittikat

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-11-11, 21:49
Sorry to hear you are unwell at the moment. I too had a breakdown just over a year ago after keeping relatively well (on meds) for over ten years. This was due to a series of stressful events, bereavements happening in a quite a short space of time and it all got too much! Like you, I'm still struggling a bit with my agoraphobia, don't like to travel outside my "comfort zone" but I'm slowly getting there.

You have beat this before and you will beat it again. Be kind to yourself, rest until you're feeling a bit better. You'll be back on your feet in no time again.

Take care. x

08-11-11, 21:54
Thanks....Until recently I believed that agorophobia meant you couldn't even go out the front door, but I can, only if I feel 'safe' or know I can get back safely. I hope things are good for you at the moment. This site is brilliant and helped me loads last time.

good luck :)

08-11-11, 22:08
Agoraphobia is greatly misunderstood by a lot of people. At my worst, I can't leave the house. Most agoraphobics fear being on their own (even in their own home), unfamiliar places, going anywhere without a "trusted" person, like a family member or close friend, busy crowded situations, basically situations where they feel "trapped" like public transport or driving in traffic jams or being too far away from home.

Please don't think you will suffer from all of the above! YOU WON'T!! Everyone is different and these are just some examples of what agoraphobia really is. When you suffer from panic attacks, it can lead to agoraphobia because you fear you may have a panic attack and won't be able to cope with it, but you will. It might be unpleasant but you WILL cope!

You could maybe try reading some self-help books on overcoming panic attacks. Try your local library, they're bound to have some.

Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

08-11-11, 22:23
Thanks so much. I cope quite well with the panic attacks after having CBT and use the diazepam if its really bad, but I do find being scared of going out...driving (traffic jams/lights always bad) crowded shops, waiting in queue in bank/post office etc. really hard to deal with. On the outside I'm a confident, assertive person but inside I am so screwed up with fear and anxiety. I don't really want anyone at work to know as I feel so stupid. :blush:

08-11-11, 23:54
You said yourself you've had a recent period of stress/anxiety and this has possibly been a contributing factor to how you're feeling at the moment.

Just accept it as a "wee blip", have a wee rest and I'm sure you will be better again in no time at all. :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 23:54 ---------- Previous post was at 23:52 ----------

By the way, most people think I'm a really confident assertive person and are always saying so. If only they knew!!