View Full Version : White things in back of throat

Fly away Katie
08-11-11, 21:39
These have been making me worry for a while now!

Basically, when I look down my throat, on the one side (sometimes on both) There are these little white things. Sometimes there can be one 'bit' (like a crumb size) and sometimes there can be several in a cluster.

They are quite uncomfortable, feel a bit like an annoying little hair in my throat and I can tell they are there.

I've got rid of them in the past, by scraping them off very gently with a clean finger... but they seem to come back.

I've just scraped one off now before I had my tea, but there are still some there and they're annoying and making me sweat with worry :weep:

DOES ANYONE know that this is? or has anyone had it?

Any reassurance would help me to feel so much better.

Thank you.

Katie xxxxxx

eternally optimistic
08-11-11, 22:30
Hi Katie

They are probably tonsil stones, nothing to worry about.

If you have a crevice in your throat, particularly around your tonsils, debris collects in them and they they aggrevate your throat.

Fly away Katie
08-11-11, 22:33
I've never had tonsilitis or anything and very rarely get a sore throat... I do have a crease in my throat (if that's what you mean by a crevice) line/dent and YES they do seem to sit in that... So it's harmless then?

Breathes :) xxx

08-11-11, 22:36
I get tonsil stones frequently that sound a lot like you describe these. They're usually foul-smelling (and tasting) and are moved quite easily. Salt water gargles can shift them if spotted quickly; and because my tonsils are constantly (ever so slightly) enlarged because of allergies and a lot of tonsillitis as a kid, I get bread, milk, everything stuck up in there just like Jay ann said, and often makes me cack as it feels just like having a hair stuck at the back of my tongue. It's always worse at cold/flu season with me.

Hope this can be of some reassurance to you!

08-11-11, 23:11
Kate i get this loads too.

Don't worry as they are harmless and go away on there own hun.


09-11-11, 10:19
Hi my Mum had this a few years ago. Not sure if she still has it but she saw an ENT doc about it and it was nothing. He gave it a name, which I cant remember, but nothing to worry about.

09-11-11, 15:59
Every once in a while i cough up these very foul smelling yellow balls and for a few days i will have a horrible feeling like something is stuck in my throat.

Had a look online (one of the very few times it has made me reassured) and i'm almost certain it's tonsil stones. From what i have gathered it's nothing to worry about.

Fly away Katie
09-11-11, 18:33
Thank you SO MUCH everyone. I've never felt so relieved. They are SO UNCOMFY THO!!

I guess we all just have or have had these silly tonsil stones then xx