View Full Version : Is this as good as it gets ??

08-11-11, 21:43
Hi, my name is sue and i'm live in hampshire.
I just feel so alone.I suffer with social anxiety and panic attacks ( although not had an attack for awhile :-)
I spend my day just waiting for the day to end.To everyone i'm this attractive , funny , caring person that doesn't seem to have any worries but its all a mask !!
I find it hard to be in a group of people so i dont go out much, ive isolated myself abit, ive not got much confidence and find it hard to make friends..i'm dreading xmas !!
I'd love to meet a friend / companion..someone who is in a similar situation to me so i can be myself and not have to pretend.someone i can do nice things with, someone who i can talk too openly and they can understand and i would also be there for them....just feel so lonely xx

08-11-11, 21:44
Hi sue681

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-11-11, 23:39
Hi sue, i totally understand how you're feeling...I get up go to work and everyone thinks i'm happy go lucky but inside i'm an anx ball! It's isolated me a lot but still fighting the fight as I'm sure you are. It's hard but the only way :)

09-11-11, 10:19
Hi Sue Snap! I can totally relate your not alone PM me if you would like a chat xx

09-11-11, 11:15
Hi Sue,

I feel the same way too, I think many of us do. Feel free to pm me for a chat :)

17-11-11, 18:44
thankyou xxx