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09-11-11, 00:46
Hello im dan.
Im 20
from east sussex
been suffering with anxiety, slight agoraphobia and in general anxiety for 4 years,
Worry 24-7. I hardly go out as panic takes over. Hopefully starting CBT in the next 4-6 weeks, Absolutely scared about it but hopefully ill be my old self

09-11-11, 00:51
Hi danbryn

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-11-11, 12:36
Hi Dan :)
I am sorry to hear how you are feeling at the moment. You sound just like me....I had CBT about 3 years ago and was initially pertified of going. I feel it done me a lot of good and gave me the 'tools' to deal with the terrible panic attacks. I went once a week for about 10 weeks. I still have awful anxiety and i think the agorophobia has come from the panic attacks. I think you will find it really helpful so stick with it. you may feel you cant even get there sometimes but I say Go!! get a trusted friend to escort you...it'll be worth it in the end. I have managed fairly well for the past 3 yrs but have just had a relapse. Off work at the mo on diazepam and taking one day at a time.
I think it's always with you...you either cope or eventually it takes over and you're back down again :wacko: Do you work/take meds? How do you deal with it day to day?
This site is great and you'll get lots of advice here, also great to communicate with people who really understand how you feel.

Good luck....let us know how it goes!! :yesyes:

11-11-11, 00:42
Hi Dan :)
I am sorry to hear how you are feeling at the moment. You sound just like me....I had CBT about 3 years ago and was initially pertified of going. I feel it done me a lot of good and gave me the 'tools' to deal with the terrible panic attacks. I went once a week for about 10 weeks. I still have awful anxiety and i think the agorophobia has come from the panic attacks. I think you will find it really helpful so stick with it. you may feel you cant even get there sometimes but I say Go!! get a trusted friend to escort you...it'll be worth it in the end. I have managed fairly well for the past 3 yrs but have just had a relapse. Off work at the mo on diazepam and taking one day at a time.
I think it's always with you...you either cope or eventually it takes over and you're back down again :wacko: Do you work/take meds? How do you deal with it day to day?
This site is great and you'll get lots of advice here, also great to communicate with people who really understand how you feel.

Good luck....let us know how it goes!! :yesyes:

Argh so sorry to hear that :hugs: Hopefully your be back to your self in no time.

No i dont work at the moment as im never able to get out and about at all, Really hating it to be honest. Yeah im currently taking citalopram which is keeping me just about calm although all threw the day i can never "relax" as such.
Its been bringing me down lots!, ever since i left school its controlled my life and changed who i am. Im a nobody with no friends at all, but im lucky to have a close family for me. plus im still living with my mum and dad. im hoping that ill get my appointment in January so its a new year, New start etc., Im hoping next year to do driving tests, become a police offier or aiming towards one while i get a full time job and move out but they look like dreams at the moment.

This sounds weird... But i keep telling myself i need to get fit for this cbt incase they make me walk miles etc, all the time im saying i must save up for an exercise bike, its like im never fit enough. it comes from me getting short of breath when i go out as i panic, Will cbt be able to help with that ? or am i unhealthy :weep:

Sorry to write loads lol. Thank you for your advice

11-11-11, 13:16
Hey Dan, don't be worrying about the fitness thing. To start with they will just talk through your life a bit and get a feel for anything that may have triggered how you are now. It's quite a slow process but with each session you can confront your fears and they will talk you through every step. You won't be forced to do anything you are uncomfortable with.

I too feel that this has controlled my life and changed me. I don't socialise either as I never know if I will be able to cope if I venture out. I don't really have 'friends' as they stopped asking me to do things and I'm a bit of a loner, feeling safer in my own company. I'm often afraid to answer the phone or go to the door if someone knocks!! I find the diazepam helps alot...never taken citalopram but once prescribed clomipramine which totally freaked me out and made me worse so I stopped taking it.
I don't thing you are unhealthy, it's classic anxiety...they teach you how to breathe properly from your stomach and distraction therapy where you try to focus on something else until it passes. Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds but it's def worth a go :)
I wish you lots of luck and hope you have the courage to accept any help on offer. I don't think it ever really goes away, you just learn to deal with it. As I have found it can rear it's ugly head again at any time without warning :mad: but at least you will have all that knowledge to help you recover again.
You CAN achieve all those things you want too and you will when you are ready. Don't loose hope. Best of luck :yahoo:

13-11-11, 10:41
Hey Dan, don't be worrying about the fitness thing. To start with they will just talk through your life a bit and get a feel for anything that may have triggered how you are now. It's quite a slow process but with each session you can confront your fears and they will talk you through every step. You won't be forced to do anything you are uncomfortable with.

I too feel that this has controlled my life and changed me. I don't socialise either as I never know if I will be able to cope if I venture out. I don't really have 'friends' as they stopped asking me to do things and I'm a bit of a loner, feeling safer in my own company. I'm often afraid to answer the phone or go to the door if someone knocks!! I find the diazepam helps alot...never taken citalopram but once prescribed clomipramine which totally freaked me out and made me worse so I stopped taking it.
I don't thing you are unhealthy, it's classic anxiety...they teach you how to breathe properly from your stomach and distraction therapy where you try to focus on something else until it passes. Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds but it's def worth a go :)
I wish you lots of luck and hope you have the courage to accept any help on offer. I don't think it ever really goes away, you just learn to deal with it. As I have found it can rear it's ugly head again at any time without warning :mad: but at least you will have all that knowledge to help you recover again.
You CAN achieve all those things you want too and you will when you are ready. Don't loose hope. Best of luck :yahoo:

argh phew!, been keeping me awake at night thinking there throw me in the deep end :(. home is my safe house too,love being there, hate going out.
Oh right, im looking forward to learn how to breathe properly, distraction therapy will defo help me, i try everything to take my mind of panic/worry.

That is exactly what im like with friends, i hardly have any just the odd one. dealing with it sooner than later will be the only answer i have :). Thank you for our fantastic advice and i wish u all the best too :D

26-11-11, 23:27
hi, im jasmine and im 19, ive had panic attacks for 2 and a half years now and until recently they have affected my life to the point where it was unbearable, i have supportive friends and family but no one i know really understands how i feel


26-11-11, 23:44
hi, im jasmine and im 19, ive had panic attacks for 2 and a half years now and until recently they have affected my life to the point where it was unbearable, i have supportive friends and family but no one i know really understands how i feel


Sorry to hear how you are feeling Jasmine....we are all in the same boat here and you will find everyone's advice and kind words a comfort. Hope you are not suffering too much right now :bighug1:xx