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09-11-11, 05:29
:D Hey Everyone... i have suffered from panic attacks for 5 and a half years now, and thought it might be a good idea to have a chat/express my feelings about it.... i practically stay at home because of panic... i have a gorgeous 2 month old daughter, and hope to be able to take her out someday, if i ever get over this :weep: also been engaged for 6 years now.. but still panic is holding me back from getting married:hugs:Thanx for your time:yesyes:

09-11-11, 05:42
Hi julzmate

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-11-11, 06:21
Hi and welcome :D r u taking any meds to help u or spoke to ur doctor about how ur feeling? xx

09-11-11, 06:32
Thanx Chickie... yeah i am on Xanax, but it just dosen't work as good as it used to, my doctor prescribed me Lovan, but i have only had one of those tablets, as it made me feel dizzy, :scared15:

09-11-11, 06:56
It must be so hard feeling like u do with a 2 month old ive got an 11 yr old old and its so hard keeping my feelings from him as hes more aware, im into my 8th wk of citalopram due to anxiety and panic attacks and am slowly feeling better, its been a tough ride tho! do take diazepam as and when i need it too xx

09-11-11, 07:46
Yeah that would be hard aye!!! yeah it sux, i was feeding her a bottle today and felt all dizzy... so how long have you had panic for, and when/where were you when it happened, what do you think may of trigged it? i just wish i could go to the shops again or go to a theme park with friends and family again... but i know how i'll feel so i don't bother :doh: xo

09-11-11, 07:56
Ive had panic attacks and anxiety since i was 18 (now 31) the trigger for me was i think my uncle being killed in a bad car crash :weep: i then got petrified of dying myself and other people i love dying, i had bad panics/anxiety after my son was born as it was a very traumatic birth resulting in him being very poorly in intensive care for 2 weeks :weep:, over the yrs ive been in a v violent and controlling relationship which now im out of and happily married to a lovely guy :yesyes: Ive took citalopram b4 and it really helped me lead 'normal' life so im hoping it will this time 2 xx

09-11-11, 08:41
WOW!!!! you poor bugger!!! geeze since 18!!! i am glad that you have met a nice man and got married:yesyes: i was in a controlling relationship before i met the wonderful man i am with now... i had a c-section birth which was planned as she was in breech, i paniced so much, cause i thought, how am i even going to control myself before and leading up to the op. but somehow i did... i wasn't until they were stiching me back up that i paniced,then my bowel nearly died too... but aye! it was all worth it!!!! xox

09-11-11, 09:02
I go for years with it being under control when im on my meds and lead a 'normal' life but its when im off my meds and something triggers it off i go into a anixiety/panic wreck!! think im destined to be on meds for rest of my life :mad: the past 2 months have been the hardest and looking back im not sure how i got thro some days but i used to and still do push myself to go out and do stuff, i know its hard and some days ive got to my front door or in the car and thought 'no i can't do this' but i make myself cause i was that scared of becoming agrophobic over it! xx

09-11-11, 10:45
whoa!!!! yeah i feel like i'm gunna be on meds forever too :lac: But i think that i already have that Agrophobia shit :scared15::weep::lac:

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and having a panic attack while driving is the worst feeling!!!:wacko: Just trying to find somewhere safe to pull over is hard :shrug: xo