View Full Version : WHAT IF!??!

27-05-06, 14:31
hi there been thinking today why do we sit and ponder so much.. worrying we have got some horrible disease...when we know deep down we havent..i know i have been through the whole brain tumour,heart attack thing..only to be proved wrong that i aint got nothing wrong with me by various doctors..to then go home and start worrying well...WHAT IF i develop a brain tumour or WHAT IF i get this cancer or that cancer...its so harmful to our bodies and minds this way of thinking..
i was thinking yesterday i could spend the next god knows how many years worrying about my health only to never develop any of these diseases and end up reaching 70 or 80....only to get run over by a bus or something!?! great eh??
well ive decided ive got to stop this pointless worrying i cant take it much longer wondering what diseaese im gonna wake up with everyday...my partner cant understand this.. he is such a positive person and is one thing im not..HAPPY........
take care everybody

27-05-06, 18:26
Hi there, good for you mate! You are so right, what a waste, try to get on and be happy like yur partner. I always think, if I get cancer,I will be treated, if I have a heart attack i will get over it and so on, i think you have a very positive attitude and it will help you on your way. take care and keep in touch. xx

27-05-06, 19:08
Glad you are taking this attitude. I just seem to have an overall fear and hope that in time that will go away, or at least not wreak so much havoc.

I think my fear is from a long time ago so it will take a time to dispell it.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-05-06, 20:15
It's just a matter of breaking the negative thought cycle that a lot of us live or have lived with. But it can be done- i did it: it just takes some time and practice and a lot of perserverance.

Take care

Shiv x