View Full Version : ok so i feel better this morning but cant stop thinking bad thoughts.

09-11-11, 10:40
hello guys, i took some iazepam last night so i could get a sleep and it worked a treat, i would up feeling refreshed and alert with minor breathing problems (most likely anx) but moving on i would like some advice how to stop thinking about these horrible diseases as i cant get them out of my mind and i think they are slowly killing me:scared15: iknow it sounds silly but its very scary and i get the real symptoms of the things i stress about :weep: how do i overcome this and stop thinking about rare diseases which most likely wont ever happen to me:wacko:, thanks.

things i worry about - vCJD and just overall horrible nervous system diseases:unsure:.

symptoms- dizziness, confusion, outbursts of rage, balance problems, trouble solving problems, memory trouble, muscle spasms and vision problems (most likely because i stare at screens alot).