View Full Version : Dizzy/off balance while chatting on phone

fed up with it
27-05-06, 15:09
I was talking on the phone for a while and i started to feel very empty headed/dizzy when i got up felt like i did'nt have much balance, then of course i started to panic. It felt like my head was swimmy and by body felt light, was this maybe cos i was'nt breathing well or over breathing. I am/was anemic have stopped taking iron cos on antibiotics i now you can probably take both but could it be down to the iron levels?


27-05-06, 15:40
Hi there
I am exactly the same - ifIm on the phone or standing talking to someone in the street I suddenly feel panicky,dizzy and spaced out - I know its my breathing and I need to calm down but I cant wait to get away from them or the phone call. try deep breathing and dropping your shoulders a bit - see if it helps. Good luck. love wenjoy x

fed up with it
27-05-06, 15:55
I normally get this when i have to stand and talk to someone or on the phone, awful isnt it, but last night i couldnt understand why cos it was extra bad. Like i wasnt going to be able to recover from it.
