View Full Version : Hello all, new here :)

09-11-11, 13:30
Hi everyone, I'm new here and just want to introduce myself. I am in desperate search of some answers or advice as I really do not know where to turn now.

I've been feeling ill/not right for many months now, generally not felt 'like me' since the start of the year and I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my doctors - in short, I was feeling dizzy, off balance, fatigued and headachey (very tight forehead too) all the time.

After my initial visits I then had some tests and I was told I had an under-active thyroid. Great, getting somewhere at last I thought. But after being on the medication for months, and having my dosage increased on three occasions, I am not feeling any better whatsoever.

So I have made numerous other visits to the doctors since and after being told to persevere with the thyroid medication, I have now been prescribed Fluoexetine as the doctors think my physical symptoms (mentioned above) are down to anxiety/depression. I have also been referred to a local Wellbeing service, but there is a waiting list for this.

However I am worried because the reason I am feeling anxious and down is because of how ill I am feeling and this dizziness/headaches/tiredness. I've since had so many more blood tests and in my most recent the nurse said everything looks "super" in my results and there is nothing serious to worry about.

I have now been off work for a month (to this day) because I simply cannot concentrate on my job and sitting at a desk all day. I am having to claim Statutory Sick Pay as I am a temporary member of staff, and I live in a house share so rent is starting to become a worry, as is Christmas just around the corner :(

To make matters worse, I am going to be needing a new job as I am being made redundant on 30th November. Whilst I've had no shortage of opportunities with recruitment agencies being impressed with my CV, I've only managed one interview and that was a major struggle to get through feeling as I am, and needless to say I didn't get the position.

Apologies if this is too much for an 'Introduction' and if this post needs to be moved to another section of the forum then please do so. I just thought I had to get on something online to look for some advice and this looked the best place to do so, as I am losing my mind over all of this.



09-11-11, 13:31
Hi alex_ncfc

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-11-11, 13:56
Hi alex..sorry to hear how bad you are feeling. Looks like a classic case of anxiety to me, I have had this for about 5 years now. Do some research on it and discuss with your GP. It can have a terrible effect on your confidence and you may need some meds or therapy to help you through..This site is brilliant and has helped me loads.
Good luck :)

09-11-11, 15:18
Hi Alex sounds all too familiar to me im signed off too if you want a chat PM me x

Fly away Katie
09-11-11, 18:27
Hello, and Welcome to No More Panic! Hope we can help and make you to feel at ease :) xxx

10-11-11, 09:56
Thanks for the responses and making me feel so welcome. I've been looking for somewhere online for a very long time to post this sort of thing, so to find it here is already a good start.

Do you think it would be a good idea for me to also put my post (above) in the Health Anxiety forum?

KittiKat - thanks for your message. I think the thing that confused me (and still does) is how can I have these physical symptoms with anxiety? I will definitely read up on the articles like you have suggested, but I have been going to the doctors with reporting constant headaches, light headedness, headrush when I stand, dizziness all the time, my calfs have a sort of burning sensation and legs just feel tired, I just basically have no energy. And I found it hard to take that the doctor is telling me that it's down to anxiety/depression when I constantly keep thinking it is something more serious. What were your symptoms?

Kirgray - many thanks, I will take you up on that.

Thanks for responses so far.


10-11-11, 17:05
Hi alex.you are really going through it.i had been ill fro 2 years went to the dr and they ran bloods and said i was boarder line under active then went back and it was normal,then boarderline again.so he would not treat me.so went to another dr and she put me on citalopram which have really helped.but i still feel like im not me and feel generally ill all the time.but thats anxiety even when i feel fine in my head i still feel so ill

11-11-11, 11:43
Hi alex.you are really going through it.i had been ill fro 2 years went to the dr and they ran bloods and said i was boarder line under active then went back and it was normal,then boarderline again.so he would not treat me.so went to another dr and she put me on citalopram which have really helped.but i still feel like im not me and feel generally ill all the time.but thats anxiety even when i feel fine in my head i still feel so ill

Thanks for the reply Kaythescamp. So what were your symptoms when you say you had been ill for 2 years and how is your thyroid situation now? The doctors reckon mine is now at normal levels, but I am still feeling absolutely dreadful :(

What is Citalopram used for treating? I heard somebody mention that the other day in a conversation. In what ways have they helped you?

I am getting very stressed today as I am sitting here again off work feeling awful and getting quite upset over thinking about Christmas presents for loved ones and how I am going to be able to afford them and my rent :( I feel like I can't cope anymore.

11-11-11, 12:58
Citalopram im on is only 10 mg.i was feeling so depressed and anxiuos 24/7 its like i had no emotions.when i first started having panic attacts i thought i was seriously ill as i never had anything like it only through reading on places like this i realised what it was.it got to a point where i didnot go out the house for a year.and feeling so tired all the time.so i plucked the courage and went to the dr and they ran tests and then thats when my thyroid cam back just boarderline and i keeps going normal to boarder line.but i have read about people that even though the dr says there levels are fine the range is so wide that they can feel ill still even if the dr says there levels are fine.i took some sea kelp tablets which are iodine for thyroid and i improved.sorry if the post is long lol.

11-11-11, 13:27
Alex...anxiety is not just a mental health issue it can give all sorts of physical symptoms too, just as you describe. I have been physically sick..palpitations...aches all over my body...lethargic...head/back aches...pins & needles in my hands...cold/hot sweats...dizzy etc. In fact I convinced myself that I had thyroid issues and all checked out fine after blood tests.

Wish you lots of luck :)

14-11-11, 09:07
Kaythescamp, thanks for the response - lol don't worry, the post isn't too long at all! Not as long as mine go on for!

That's interesting what you say about the thyroid condition being at normal levels but that you can still feel ill, as this is exactly how I am feeling. I have been on these Levothyroxine tablets for nearly 6 months and I am not seeing any improvements. I was intending to try and be back at work by the end of last week but couldn't do it and today I have woken up and again had to book a doctors appointment just so I can get a sick note which says I am not able to work and allow me to obtain my sick pay :( it feels like I am being punished for being sick as if I was a permanent member of staff I would be entitled to full pay. I am getting so, so stressed and even lower :( I don't know if I have ever had a panic attack (would I know?) but I do, like you, feel anxious a lot of the time and I am just so worried that there is something seriously wrong.

Kittikat - thanks for getting back to me also. I understand that anxiety isn't just a mental issue and can cause all sorts of physical symptoms, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I can't get my head around the fact that my symptoms I am having are down to anxiety. I find it very hard to think this. But thanks for confirming your symptoms too as they are how I feel. I occasionally get pins and needles, but I am always getting things like dizzy, headrush, sweats, body aches, headaches...did you manage to get through this and if so how?

I just feel dreadful and full of worry, not only because of my health, but because of my job situation :( I just don't know what to think. But what I will say is I am glad I have found this site as everybody is so helpful and willing to listen.

14-11-11, 10:51
Hey Alex

Sounds like exactly what I was going through around 18 months ago. Constant dizziness, nausea, tight band across forehead. Also had a sense of just feeling not right but found it difficult to explain it to people and I was sure I had a serious medical problem. My doctor ultimately put me on citalopram and things gradually got better. I had a year symptom free and feeling great mostly. So I think the antidepressants certainly worked for me. Unfortunately I'm now experiencing other symptoms which I can't believe are caused by anxiety...and I'm now stuck again in the endless system of medical tests which all come back clear!!

14-11-11, 11:57
Hey Alex

Sounds like exactly what I was going through around 18 months ago. Constant dizziness, nausea, tight band across forehead. Also had a sense of just feeling not right but found it difficult to explain it to people and I was sure I had a serious medical problem. My doctor ultimately put me on citalopram and things gradually got better. I had a year symptom free and feeling great mostly. So I think the antidepressants certainly worked for me. Unfortunately I'm now experiencing other symptoms which I can't believe are caused by anxiety...and I'm now stuck again in the endless system of medical tests which all come back clear!!

Hi IrishLondon, thanks for the message.

Yes that's the same as me, I just always feel dizzy/off balance, sick (although I haven't actually been sick through any of this - in fact, sad as this sounds, I can remember the last time I was actually physically sick and it was 10 years ago!) and the tightness in my forehead, which like I say, if I raise both eyes I can really feel how tight my head feels. I also have that "just not right" feeling and I am literally scared, so scared. Whatever the doctors say I just cannot stop worrying. I, like you, am finding it so hard to tell people how I feel, to explain it - because no one understands. I can kind of understand that because they are 'not me' so they wouldn't know how I feel, but one of the things that is effecting me the most is I am sure most people don't believe me and just gloss over it, with a "strap on a pair" attitude. And I don't want work to think I am milking it and not actually as bad as I am making out, because I am. I just can't focus on anything and the longer I have been off work the harder I am finding it to work up any motivation to get back.

So the Citalopram made you feel much better then, that's great to hear that it helped you. I wonder why my doctors haven't spoken to me about it, or are they just hoping that the Fluoxetine will do the trick? I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing other symptoms now. Like you I can't believe that mine are to do with anxiety and I know how difficult it is, especially when tests come back saying everything is fine.

15-11-11, 09:51
Hey Alex,

I so know the feeling of feeling really scared. I constantly felt the doctors were missing something and everytime they mentioned anxiety I always dismissed it. I was so frustrated because I couldn't describe what I was going through but just knew how sick I felt - I was never actually sick either just always that sick feeling.

It was a few months of feeling like this and being off work that led me to having a slight breakdown - where I couldn't sleep at all and was constantly in tears. This turned out to be the best thing really because it convinced me that this was all caused by anxiety and I started listening to the doctors and getting treatment. It did take a while for the citalopram to start working and it isn't like it makes you feel great straight away. But what it did do was allow me to get back to work and start socialising again and through that I started to feel totally normal again. The Fluoxetine is just another SSRI and it should do the same job as citalopram - but if not then the doctor can switch you over.

My current symptoms are totally different to what I had last year - so just know that you can get through what you are going through at the moment.

15-11-11, 11:54
Hi, wanted to just suggest you read Dr. Claire Weekes books - I seem to be promoting these all over the website at the moment but they can be such a help giving reasurance - it's so hard accepting all the physical discomfort/strangeness is just down to anxiety, but she explains it very clearly and that alone can give you some peace of mind.

15-11-11, 12:26
Hey Alex,

I so know the feeling of feeling really scared. I constantly felt the doctors were missing something and everytime they mentioned anxiety I always dismissed it. I was so frustrated because I couldn't describe what I was going through but just knew how sick I felt - I was never actually sick either just always that sick feeling.

It was a few months of feeling like this and being off work that led me to having a slight breakdown - where I couldn't sleep at all and was constantly in tears. This turned out to be the best thing really because it convinced me that this was all caused by anxiety and I started listening to the doctors and getting treatment. It did take a while for the citalopram to start working and it isn't like it makes you feel great straight away. But what it did do was allow me to get back to work and start socialising again and through that I started to feel totally normal again. The Fluoxetine is just another SSRI and it should do the same job as citalopram - but if not then the doctor can switch you over.

My current symptoms are totally different to what I had last year - so just know that you can get through what you are going through at the moment.

I keep thinking the doctors are missing something too but every time I have tests they say everything is perfectly fine. Whenever they tell me this I sit there in frustration and just say something along the lines of "I wish I felt fine!" When did you feel sick? Was it all the time or just in certain situations? I have a headache/dizziness feeling pretty much constantly, and I tend to have these at work as well as that sick feeling, especially in meetings where I get fidgety and feel like I have to get out of the room.

I've been feeling this way pretty much most of the year, and I am worried I may have a breakdown too as it feels like nobody believes me, and I am having major trouble getting the message across that I do feel like something is wrong. It must have been very hard for you - I used to cry about things a lot when I was depressed before 5 or so years ago, but even though I am feeling more down (in a different way) now, I just cannot cry, even though I feel like I want to/should be. I don't understand it. I wish I could be convinced that this is all down to anxiety (and again I thank you all for your support and messages) and I guess that's why I am here, to try and get this into my head as I am not thinking straight.

How long did it take for the Citalopram to kick in? Doctors tell me the fluoxetine may take 5-6 weeks. It's encouraging to hear that you began to feel totally normal again once these started to work.

Are you off work again now with your current symptoms? I have been off now for so long and I worry what people think of me. Likewise of course I am also worried by the fact I am being made redundant in 2 weeks. What are my options? Any advice would be brilliant.

---------- Post added at 12:26 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ----------

Hi, wanted to just suggest you read Dr. Claire Weekes books - I seem to be promoting these all over the website at the moment but they can be such a help giving reasurance - it's so hard accepting all the physical discomfort/strangeness is just down to anxiety, but she explains it very clearly and that alone can give you some peace of mind.

Thanks for the advice, Sweetly. As you have probably read in my posts above, I am finding it ridiculously hard to accept that my symptoms are down to anxiety. In fact, I can't accept it at all yet, even though the doctors keep telling me so. Are these books readily available?

15-11-11, 12:46
They certainly are, you could try your local library but probably better to get your own copies to keep - the shop on this website sells them or Amazon always has second hand available (and it's interesting to note that all the reviews for her books on there are always 5*!).

I think you'll find it very comforting when you read in print, from a Doctor, that most sufferers from anxiety think they're symptoms are perhaps unique to them and more serious than simply being their body's reaction to their nerves - this uncertainty is so common and definitely holds us back from acceptance and then being able to feel better.
She covers all the symptoms - giddiness,dizziness,nausea,shakes, churning tummy,palps,sweats,panic etc - in such easy to understand detail that you can't help but be reassured.

18-11-11, 12:30
Thanks Sweetly, I will have to go on a search for the books and see if I can find a cheap copy. As I've mentioned I'm starting to worry a lot about money, being off work, so it would have to be cheap! Good to hear that the books always get good reviews - they must be doing something right.

Did you use the books yourself?