View Full Version : Another Indigestion / Acid Reflux post.. sorry

09-11-11, 13:52
Hi everyone,

I am currently experiencing severe acid reflux (as diagnosed by the doctor) have just tried omeprazole but had bad side effects so he is going to prescribe me something else to try.

Just wondered what symptoms people have with acid reflux, I seem to be getting like a constant dull ache in my left breast, lots of discomfort and gas under my left breast, and what feels like cold on my chest but could be heartburn...

It doesn;t seem to matter how many times my doctor listens to my heart I cant help thinking there is something wrong with it and at the moment this is all that is holding me back from feeling like my old self.. so is getting a bit upsetting:weep:

09-11-11, 14:36
Ive suffered with acid indigestion/reflux for ages and my symptoms are as you describe. Sometimes the pain in my chest makes me think its a heart attack !
The excess acid that is produced burns and irritates the stomach lining and the gullet and throat ( I sometimes get a sore throat with mine )
I take omepazole which keeps a lid on it but does nt cure it completely.
Try not to worry as this will produce more acid. Hope this helps x

09-11-11, 16:48

my symptoms sound similar... achy feeling in chest, nausea, acid feeling, food in mouth, burping... not nice.. anxiety makes me worse. which makes me reflux more - hate it!!!

Jess x

09-11-11, 17:40
Can I ask what side effects you experienced with Omeprazole that were enough to stop you taking it?


09-11-11, 19:24
Hi haz,

Was dizzy, headache and stomach pain

09-11-11, 19:44
Hi haz,

Was dizzy, headache and stomach pain

Thanks. Sorry to hear that. I've been on omeprazole for years but had to go to pharmacy (Minor Ailments) the other day as I had been suffering badly. She gave me Gaviscon Advance and Windeze tablets. The Gaviscon helped a bit but not much. :-( x

09-11-11, 19:56
I've now been prescribed Lanzaprole, so gunna have a go with them. Will let u know how I get on x

09-11-11, 20:05
Had this and was put on Lanzaprole for a month and it went :)

10-11-11, 08:59
Thanks Miss Sunshine,

I took my first Lanzaprole last night and so far so good x

16-11-11, 08:49
Well 1 week in and the lanzaprole is making me bloated and a bit constipated so now am at a loss as to what to do... do I go back to the docs and ask for something else to try... Im not currently on any anxiety medication and have been doing well (suffer with GAD) but this is starting to make me anxious... not because I think there is something seriously wrong with me, but it just makes me tired and think oh here we go again. So I think do I ask the docs for some anxiety meds to see if that relaxes me and eases the indigestion / ibs?

Any thoughts ??

16-11-11, 09:16
Hi in my experience acid reflux is caused by our anxiety levels so if you feel you could try some Ad's for your anxiety then i would x x

16-11-11, 09:19
I think I will go to the docs and see what he says... I did try to take citalopram again earlier this year, but the side effects were awful.. I had taken them previously and was fine but for some reason this time they were bad.. although I have noticed a lot of posts on here saying the same which I find find very strange.. why would so many people react so differently the second / third time they take a AD?

16-11-11, 09:57
Im on cit 2nd time round and side effects have been awful this time?? Just increased to 30mg after 9 wks, they took alot longer to kick in aswel but maybe cause im worse this time i dont know?? X x

27-06-13, 21:03
I'm really suffering this week with loads of mucus in my throat and have been throwing up tonight and its just thick phlegm (sorry for TMI) and have rumbling tummy :-( I have post nasal drip which doesn't help.

I feel so fed up with all this it's making me feel so tired. Things have been pretty stressful at work recently so this may have made things worse.

Does anyone have any advice on how to manage the acid / mucus / post nasal drip?

Thanks :weep: