View Full Version : feeling very ill.

09-11-11, 14:29
Hi today i feel sick and tired and barely able to do anything all though have been to college and its drained me. i dont feel well at all. i feel weak, sick and no appetite. i have sinus issues sometimes and have sneezed about 10 times today and yesterday to. also my mum accidently turned the fridge off over night and i just drank a milk shake which had been in there over night and im scared. my mouth is so dry after this and 500ml of water still :S.

---------- Post added at 14:29 ---------- Previous post was at 14:26 ----------

i feel like im going to throw up.
the schools just putting there boiler on to and im scared of carbon minoxide poisoing as im tired and exhasuted and constatnly yawning and closing my eyes.

09-11-11, 14:30
I know it wont help you but just to let you know your not alone, i feel sick and no appetite and have to force myself to eat. Hope you feel better soon.

09-11-11, 14:39
:) thank you. Nice to know im not alone in this. dry mouth is the worst bit. had 2 litres to drink today and still its so horrible. i havnt felt anxious today until these symtopms strated though... it feels crazy! or is that just me. hope you feel better soon.

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:37 ----------

my head hurts to :( lol. worrying its my sinuses lol

09-11-11, 14:43
I have headaches as well. I am worrying because my period was late and then light and now stomach issues and a ache in my groin. I just want to feel ok and to stop worrying. I thought i felt quite calm today but i still have no appetite and loose bowels etc.

09-11-11, 14:57
Yer i know how you feel. i have tummy ache now to lol. My bowels go in pattern. one week loose and then one week consitation :'( and my bladder feels weak i cant hold on before going to the toiler :(.

09-11-11, 16:32
Hi, think this is all normal- just had a virus which is taking long time to clear. I always drink masses of water, but even so, for the last couple of days I've had a really dry mouth & have weird smell thing going on,so probably sinuses.
Hope you feel much better really soon. Take care x

09-11-11, 19:03
Thank you. feel much better now. except i just got two painful spasms in womb area which really hurt- like muscle spasms. why is it just as you feel OK something else happens again.
i drink a pint of water a day along with other liquids. I have also had two viruses to lol x

---------- Post added at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:38 ----------

scray womb lol. had another one in ovary. im not ovulating as last period was about 5 weeks ago

---------- Post added at 19:03 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

worried about an infection as ive been having unusual white discharge, which at one day smelt bad, and cant hold in my wee for a few seconds.

10-11-11, 16:19
had pain this morning were the three zap/throbs were yesterday in ovary.

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im so very scared of cancer as my bowerls change all the time. a sign of cancer.

10-11-11, 16:37
Hi everyone, i am feeling the same.
My problem is that i feel so tired all the time i it is really getting too me, plus my stomach is always aching and i cannot shake this mild sinis pain...:shrug: