View Full Version : How can you remove intestinal worms?

09-11-11, 16:09
I ate a fair bit of undercooked bacon because i'm an idiot and was wondering where i could get a supplement or something that cleans the colon, hopefully before any worms grow. I searched this on the internet and can't find anything reliable.

Any suggestions appreciated, cheers.

09-11-11, 16:23
I would think it highly unlikely to get worms from undercooked bacon to be honest so I wouldn't even worry about it

09-11-11, 16:38
I doubt you would have worms too.

But just for the record, all you need is one tablet, I went to the doctors yesterday and found out I had worms, they gave me one tablet and so far so good!

09-11-11, 16:40
worms from uncooked bacon in the uk is extremely, extremely unlikely.

jess xxx

09-11-11, 17:07
Cheers for the reassurance guys.

MissSunshine, I might just take something like that anyway, just in case. What was it you used and is it prescribable only or can i go down boots and get one haha

09-11-11, 17:41
Threadworms are carried from person to person, usually originating from soil, and therefore unwashed fruit/veg and children playing. They're easily killed with one pill that's bought OTC.

Threadworms cannot be caught from meat, unless the person preparing them had threadworm eggs on their hands.

Trichinella, tape worms and a few others are found in meat naturally, but not in the commercial meat available in the UK as livestock are checked and mostly treated regardless. The medication used to kill threadworms will not work on tape worms or trichinella spiralis. The treatment for these is based on confirmation of infection and the medication is bodyweight dependent, only available from your doctor because it essentially purges your system.

Even if your bacon were infected, it would need to be cooked at 60 degrees C or lower for 30 seconds or less to pose any risk to your health. If you're still worried, the only way to take it forward is to speak to your doctor.

Hope you feel better about it soon!

09-11-11, 18:05
I went to the doctors but i am sure you can buy them in boots its called mebendazole, I hope it puts your mind at ease.

10-11-11, 12:36
Cheers Mr.Jitters really well detailed thanks for your time. I've decided i'm not going to bother taking any drugs but for peace of mind i'm gonna eat a clove of raw garlic haha, cos apparently that kills most parasites anyway

10-11-11, 12:41
It'll kill your social life, too! Make sure to brush afterwards :)

10-11-11, 12:43
MissSunshine i also have no symptoms so i'm gonna forget about this worry.

---------- Post added at 12:43 ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 ----------

Haha that's true :) anxiety can even indirectly affect your social life...

12-11-11, 13:51
Hey guys,

I actually found some worms in my 'bowel movement' aha. They very small and white and i could only see 2, although they were alive.

I'm fairly sure this is because i quite a lot of garlic for the last few days, and now it's doing it's job.

But i'm suprisingly not freaking out about it, look's like i'm starting to think rationally again. I'm just gonna go to the doctors and get the medicine i need.

---------- Post added at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:50 ----------

But the purpose of that post i guess was to say that I think i'm no longer HA, woooop

12-11-11, 15:36
Hey Jack1231,

Glad you're feeling better in yourself. Perhaps the garlic had an interesting effect. The shortest incubation period for intestinal or gastric worms is slightly over a month for threadworms which are likely the only ones you'll see alive after passing them, so you may have uncovered an existing colonisation. Good luck with the doctor, and keep on feeling good!

12-11-11, 16:32
Thanks for the reply.
Just so i'm sure, there's no way that there was enough time for the worms to be tapeworms or anything related to the bacon? I ate the undercooked bacon only a few days ago so it'd have to have a really short incubation period if that was the case.

12-11-11, 22:30
There wasn't enough time for anything you saw recently to be related to the undercooked bacon, so rest assured :)