View Full Version : Worried - Blood with Bowel Movement

09-11-11, 16:22
Hi all,
I got myself really worked up this morning and was such a state, but as u might know im currently recovering from an emergency laparotomy after a surgeon in a minor operation accidentally tore my spleen and i almost died(was in intensive care 10weeks ago).

Since then i have had severe health anxiety - constantly convinced im going to die.

Well this morning i woke up and emptied my bowels. It wasnt really hard (TMI) but wasnt loose and was fully formed. I looked into the toilet bowel and floating all around the stools was a lot of bright red blood. Then, some dripped out of me onto the floor! I almost fainted as i was in such a panic.I didnt have any 'new' tummy pain, but for me i always have some sort of pain as obviously the laparotomy is a major open surgery and it's only been 10weeks. My (TMI!) anus did feel a bit sore but nothing too bad. I went to the drs, he did blood pressure (109/75) and pulse (90-which is actually good for me!) and listened to my chest, bowels etc.

He then looked at my anus, and said to the chaperone(whilst looking) "can you see that?" she said "yes", and he stopped looking without checking inside (he said he didnt need to). He said he could see a little 'tear' in my anus - not big, but the likely cause for the bleeding. he gave me some cream for it.

I have had a little bit of blood on the tissure when ive been to the toilet for a couple of weeks now, but nothing as bad as this. What happens if its something bad??? Please if anyone has any thoughts, could you settle my mind or jut give your experience as im convincing myself that again, a dr has got it wrong :( x

09-11-11, 16:45
Hi, I often get blood on the tissue after I've been to the loo.. pretty common I think. It's understandable after your experience that you worry that you are going to die, my HA developed after a similar experience (although not caused by a dr).

Hope you feel better soon

Jess xxx

09-11-11, 16:50

Piles and fissures (tears) can produce a lot of bright red blood and it is scarey at the time.

I get this a lot as I have crohn's disease.

If it persists they can give you something stronger for it.

09-11-11, 17:05
Hi there, this has been my worry as i had it happen last week. My doctor has reassured me that it was a tare, but i have a hard time convincing myself of that, but when i hear you say it i am able to quite rationally say , don't worry these things can bleed quite bad but it's nothing to worry about xxxxxxxxxxx