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View Full Version : Worried something bad is wrong or that i'm gonna die any minute!!!

09-11-11, 17:42
Been feeling really bad lately and even worse today!

Woke up this morning and was hurting a lot in a few places and felt like i couldn't swallow or breath.

At the moment I am really hurting in my stomach, under my stomach, top of my legs, private parts, I feel dizzy and lightheaded, Feel faint and feel like my breathing isn't right, My eyes hurt and my throat feels bad and my swallowing doesn't seem right at all!!

I just feel like something bad is wrong or that I am going to die any moment or sometime soon!!

09-11-11, 18:09
You have just read my mind!

I woke up today feeling so achy, and faint, and also very tired. I had my dinner earlier and as I was panicking i felt like I couldnt swallow properly, its like I had to force myself to swallow the food down without doing automatically! as i type i feel like i cant breathe! and have been laying on the sofa all day as im weak and when i get up i feel faint.

I too feel like somethings up, but wait a minute, we both have anxiety... and were having these exact same symptoms today... so this must be anxiety!! the bad thoughts it fueling our panic so if we accept its just anxiety hopfully that helps?message me if you need to hun xx

Fly away Katie
09-11-11, 18:30
I always feel in pain somewhere in my body too. There's never a day where I DON'T have a pain OR an anxiety symptom. In fact, I can't swallow now. It does feel horrible but it's just anxiety making it worse and exaggerating everything.

Keep strong xxx