View Full Version : Vertigo

09-11-11, 17:50
This is caused by a genuine medical condition with me - very bad arthritis in my neck. I have endured episodes of this for over 10 years but had had 2 really good years until now. I have been trying to do too much on the social front as being social puts alot of strain on my neck as you need to keep moving your head ( I had to stop work 11 yrs ago because of the effects of the arthritis).

In the last week I have had three sudden attacks of vertigo, thankfully only lasting about 10 seconds but its horrible as I have to grab hold of something until it stops. Obvously I am now going to reduce my social life!

What worries me is that at one point about 10 years ago I ended up almost housebound as I was frightened of having an attack outside or being alone in the house in case I had one and it took along time to slowly get a life back.In this time I also felt very unbalanced when I walked.

This past 2 years I have been having a much more normal life , able to shop and walk around shops and I am worried that I will end up back like I was - this is the mental side effect.

I know alot of people on here suffer dizziness and vertigo for a variety of reasons and just wanted to know how they cope with it and not end up a quivering wreck at home!

09-11-11, 18:06
Hi Countrygirl - Funnily enough I signed on to post that I am feeling very dizzy today- not room spinning dizzy but kind of light headed. OF course it has been enough to trigger some anxiety in me. Really scared that I will just pass out or collapse any minute and finding it hard to concentrate on coversations. DO you think this could be vertigo? I stood up to get off the bus this morn and felt like I was gonna tip over! I can really understand how this would make you afraid to leave the house. I guess we have to try and separate the physical symptons from the anxiety ones.

09-11-11, 18:50
Dizziness is different to vertigo/ with vertigo the sensation is intense either room spinning or feeling as if the ground is coming to hit you and if continues for more than a second or so will mean you have to grab hold of something or you will end up on the ground.

Does this soundl like what you had on the bus??

There are a million reasons for vertigo of course, the simplest being tight neck muscles.

09-11-11, 19:10
hello Countrygirl
Have not got arthritis in my neck ..........that must be so painful and restricting.
But have had carotid dissection in my neck a few years back that left me very dizzy and disorientated .........so although not vertigo it was scary.
I hope this wont be seen as disrespectful to those who need it for mobility issues .........but I carried a fold up walking stick in my bag for a long time ....and if feeling vulnerable actually used it so if the whoomph hit I could lean on it .
It did mean I had the confidence to go out in the first few months.
Hope this helps snow x

13-11-11, 17:37
Countrygirl I sense that you may be giving into this vertigo and I don't think that will help you long term. This is just a thought but suddenly having three attacks in one week speaks to me of tension and maybe putting your head and neck into an unnatural position such as tilting your head back slightly which can cause me issues as well.
If it was me I would try to continue going out and between look after your neck with warm compresses and gentle massage, see your doctor and get any effective medication that he can offer to reduce the inflammation and the resulting tight muscles.

13-11-11, 18:00
Hi countrygirl....
I just wanted to reply to your post as my mum suffers very bad vertigo attacks but was perscribed very good meds to keep her in check....she didnt let it tak over her life tho....there was many of days she was out shopping and she would ring me to come and collect her because she would have had an attack.... she would be staggering all over the place and people would stare but she wouldnt let that get to her, she sees it as an illness that she just got after a very bad landing in an areoplane from america....if people ask whats wrong with her thats what she tells them....lol..... I hope you feel better soon....

13-11-11, 19:35
Thanks Ronski and Michelle.

My trying to do too much with my wrecked neck is the cause of the vertigo and of course my neck muscles are much tighter because of overusing them for me. I have managed to keep going as normal. I think having so many attacks in short space of time reminded me of the mental anguish that I had had when I first started with the attacks and especially after being so good for past 2 years.