View Full Version : please help! i had an AWFUL panic attack today, went to college doctor :(

09-11-11, 18:32
just having lunch with friends, and it felt like my heart had stopped, literally just stop and then i tired to get up but was paralzed, and then the heavy brething it felt so laboured! i was terrified convinced i was gonna die,,..... full. blown. panic attack.. pins and needles in my lip my legs my arms i was cold, i went pale. i thought i was going to die! i started crying uncontrollably.... :( WORSST DAY EVER aha:lac:

09-11-11, 20:17
Hiya Pablo

poor you! I've felt like that before and know how horrible and scary it feels. It truly is hard to believe it's panic!!

but... you're still here, so it obviously wasn't as serious as you thought :) if your heart stopped, you wouldn't know anything about it because you'd be on the floor!! instead of freaking out :P

everything you've mentioned can be rationalised as a part of the body's fight or flight response. the heart sensation - did you have a palpitation or ectopic beat before you thought it had 'stopped'? because you most likely panicked from that, which shot off some adrenaline, causing muscles to tense (so, tight chest and stomach) which lead to heavy breathing (body gathering more oxygen in preparation to run or fight) - but you're just sat there, eating dinner - you didn't expect this - so you PANIC!!!!! - which just sets off another merry dose of adrenaline... round the merry go round you go!!

It's perfectly normal to go pale - all your blood is being drawn to your muscles for action.

The trouble with panic disorder is, any strange sensations at all, you can zoom in on, add adrenaline and tension and it turns something small into a big, terrifying event!! I had to leave Uni several times when I was suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, things would happen like I'd be talking then mid-sentence I couldn't speak (like when you accidentally swallow a little bit of drink and it goes down the wrong way) which would terrify me.

I really really recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as it's brought me where I am today with my knowledge about anxiety and panic. I found an online course here on NMP a few weeks ago, and since reading it I haven't had a panic attack :) I've had some anxious days, but I'm improving each and every day, and am certain I could never have another panic attack - because I now have the knowledge and understanding of what causes panic.


theres a link to the thread. It's 30 days free trial so you really have nothing to lose. Like I said, it's what has given me the knowledge and confidence to stop those horrible daily occurences of what seems to be the end of the world!! and now I'm spreading the knowledge to others.

Best of luck!

09-11-11, 20:53
ye, i know blehhh i cant even remember what i was thinking about or what i was talking to my friends about u know how it is! ,, ye i made an appointment with college counsellor for tuesday, after i turned up at the office in a panic! :( ... just trying to keep distracted, im so shook up though, so shook up

09-11-11, 21:09
Hi so sorry to hear of ur panic attack they are truely horrific :weep: the aftermath of one can stay with u for days so im not surprised ur all shook up, i feel awful after one all shakey and like im on the verge of another! hope u start to feel better xx

09-11-11, 21:14
Well done you. You have made an appointment to see someone.
You will feel shaky for a while so be gentle with yourself and rest. Go back to college as soon as you can and if you feel it coming back try to welcome it and tell yourself that it is just one less panic attack you'll ever have to go thru.

09-11-11, 21:26
thanks guys! i really think this is a turning point, i relied on lexapro, but drugs are a quick fix and ive been on my lexapro for about a yr and a half, im ready to face this BEAST, ive thrown out my cigarettes, the drink is out of my life... i need to stop medicating and start answering my problems ( listening to Beyonce, I FEEL AMAZING)

09-11-11, 21:32
thanks guys! i really think this is a turning point, i relied on lexapro, but drugs are a quick fix and ive been on my lexapro for about a yr and a half, im ready to face this BEAST, ive thrown out my cigarettes, the drink is out of my life... i need to stop medicating and start answering my problems ( listening to Beyonce, I FEEL AMAZING)
Ive thro my drink out (for now lol) but not ready for my fags to go just yet!! :blush: xx

09-11-11, 21:48
take ur time, u'll get there! fags are amazing when ur anxious but there will come a point when when the muscles in your chest contract so tight and ur so breatheless and ur clinging onto that fag for dear life!

the penny will drop :hugs: