View Full Version : New on here - abdominal pain! getting anxious!1

09-11-11, 20:15
Hello I am new on here and have viewed the forum for some time now but I am so fed up with on going issues I thought I d seek some of your comments and experiences...

its a long story but to keep it brief over the last few years I have had loads of medical issues and tests ranging from months of dizziness , breast lumps, thyroid lumps etc.
I am 42 years old, full time working single mum with an elderly mum as my only family support so things can be stressful.

Anyway this Feb I started with an abdominal pain right side, really painful and scarey , i thought might be appendix, then docs thought might be gallstonesor IBS . So had scans and blood tests, all ok, in the end I went to a chiropracter and after 3 months of treatment it went! Doc said must be muscular I was so relieved it was a terrible and debilitating few months of constant pian.

Then last Thursday hurt my back at work ambulanced to hospital, lots of checks aorta in my abdomen was obvious so they did lots of checks on that which freaked me out!! Anyway back sore and off work they think I have hurt a rib, but now all of my back hurts, i ve had a headache for last 36 hours and lightheaded and dizzy. Just to cap it all my right side abdominal pain has come back after 3 or 4 months!!

I am really disapointed!! The pain is in my right side/ abdomen right of my belly button, at bottom of my ribs, but not under. Feels sore to touch just a constant sharp pain. I am trying to stay calm but does anyone have this, it seems as soon as one thing gets sorted another physical symptom starts...:weep:

Sorry Ive rambled...

10-11-11, 14:07
hi i get right sided pain and like you think is appendix and then obsess over it, mine though has been diagnosed as IBS, its annoying though.

10-11-11, 22:52

Check out my previous posts.... :whistles:

I started with lower left abdominal pain last Feb and was convinced I had OC or something equally horrible. After blood tests, being examined by dr several times, an ultrasound and stool sample check they never determined what it was. Dr even hugged me and said he felt sure it was nothing and asked me to get a second opinion at surgery as no idea what else to suggest. 2nd opinion said she thought it was nothing of concern but no idea what it was. I had it for over 6 months and still get twinges now. I think it must have been muscular combined with anxiety and stress. I have no other symptoms and although not gone totally I do focus on it less.

I think it could be pain predominent IBS...? Weirdly a lovely family holiday diminished my anxiety and the symptoms, and as my job got super stressful over the last 2 months I have actually felt better - maybe as a genuine 'healthy' stress rather than my previous focus on health...

Hope you feel better soon.
Feel free to PM

Flump xxx

11-11-11, 08:53
Thanks Flumps I will pm you later :)

11-11-11, 23:41
Welcome Una. We all know where you are coming from and how frightening and lonely health anxiety can be. That is what is so great about this site and the wonderful people on it.

Hope you are feeling better

Hugs xxx

12-11-11, 12:10
You've been checked out. They have found nothing. Consider the possibility that anxiety is the cause.

Those twinges are likely muscular/IBS. I have had it on and off, mainly off fortunately for years.

Breathing exercises, Colofac AND Colpermin peppermint capsules thrice daily before food. Works for me.

13-11-11, 21:12
I had right side abdomen pain last year in the exactly the same place as you. I was convinced that I had BC as my Dad died from it when he was 50 which is young and I'm 35. After numerous tests bloods, stools etc and an ultrasound, the only thing that convinced me that it was nothing serious was when I had a clear colonoscopy. After which the pains disappered, so I can only put it down to stress and muscle tension.

14-11-11, 19:05
Now thats interesting as I was never offered a colonoscopy!!:unsure:

14-11-11, 22:13
I had to go private for mine...my doctor wouldn't of referred me otherwise!

15-11-11, 04:25
I get the same pain. Started not long after my son was born , they did blood tests and a scan and in the end said it was muscular. It still somes and goes and yes I have noticed its around more through stressful periods, but i acept it for what it is now and the pain usually doesn't last for long. My DH always says that your mind can tell you anything you want to hear and if your stressed it can mimic all manner of ailments . Hope this helps to reassure you xxx

23-12-11, 15:39
Pain been back with vengence last few days!! like a constant burning stitch pain!! Driving me mad!! tried to see gp but couldnt get past nurse saying its ongoing pain under investigation... just take more pain relief!!:mad: Been sent for thoracic and lumbar back mri.. booked at end of jan!! any ideas or any help/ advice. Terrified and now convinced its some for of tumor spinal or otherwise??!!:weep:

Flumkin.. have pmed you