View Full Version : Bone Cancer

09-11-11, 22:03
Does anyone know much about Bone Cancer? Would it show up in the countless blood tests I've had? I had an xray of my foot - would this show up any cancer? I have terrible pain in my big toes which the doc thinks is a bone spur hence the xray. But I am also having bad calf cramping on and off for weeks now - and my old friend anxiety says it is the big C in my bones :wacko: So fedup with myself

09-11-11, 23:57
Hello Ambers. First of all, have all your blood tests been normal? I think the reason why you have getting a lot of cramp is because you are getting yourself so worked up. There are many reasons which could be causing you the pain including Arthritis which is the most common cause. Also bunions and bursitis.

Apart from the toe pain, how do you feel in yourself? How long have you had the pain? Are you maintaining weight? Fatigued?

Anxiety really is a pig isn't it!

x :D

10-11-11, 00:36
Thank you \hollie - I feel bad all the time and \i cant sleep anymore - seems my anxiety has taken and found different ways to torment me :weep:

macc noodle
10-11-11, 08:55
Ambers, me again!!!

Are we twins or what - remember last time we talked it was all about the Ovarian issues?

Well, I have been suffering painful fingers, toes, hips, shoulder, back, neck - and oh, guess what? thanks to my therapy I did not instantly think cancer - I thought arthritis and felt quite happy with that!!!! RESULT

I have an appointment at the docs next week for a check up just to be on safe side but I just wanted to let you know that we do suffer aches and pains - some of them from the permanent state of anxiety we inhabit! and some of them due to age related/weight related/gentically related issues and not some dreaded disease with a bad outcome.

Chin up Ambers, you have been doing well and this is really just a blip and will pass with the right help and your own strength of character.

The clicking you refer to in your head is more than likely coming from your neck, which again fits the profile for possible rheumatism or arthritis.

Please try not to worry.

Thinking of you my friend.

Macc Noodle


10-11-11, 10:16
Macc - thank you so much - your post made me cry but in a nice way :) you are so right it probably is arthritis or similar - it would fit especially has I think I am near or in the peri and miles too skinny :doh: The pain has been unbearable at night which has then added to my anxiety. I will try the warm bath/milk and book routine tonight and see if I can get some sleep. I really really appreciate your post and I will keep reading it when the anxiety gets too high - it will bring me down again. xxx

10-11-11, 11:48
Hi there,
I too have pain in my right big toe. It's been there for months but comes and goes. Whilst seeing my GP about something else I mentioned it and he looked at me like I was mental, he gingerly looked at it and muttered something about it being hard skin or something!!!

I also get calf pain but like the big toe pain it comes and goes so I'm assuming it's nothing serious otherwise it'd be there all the time and it would be getting worse.

Hope it helps to know you are not alone
K xxx

10-11-11, 12:31
Thanks Kah - makes me feel a whole lot better. Luckily I have a very good understanding doctor although believes me symptoms are anxety does also want to rule out anything medical. :)