View Full Version : A need some help please

10-11-11, 00:59
I was doing so well and now I have gone downhill and need some advice from this lovely board.

I feel so ill and I know most of my symptoms are anxiety related apart from pelvic pain and pain in my toes/calves.... anyway it seems my anxiety has changed and now \I cant sleep or relax without getting nervous - heart thumping away, clicking noise in my ears/head etc.

Any tips on how to deal with no sleep - apart from sleping tabs I really need to learn how to switch my mind of to anxiety during quiet time and night time... help!!! I saw my doctor today in tears and she is referring me to the Mental Health Team - what does this mean exactly? I have had CBT already.

Any advice much appreciated as I really do listen to what others say and put it into practice. So far I have listen to a relaxation tape, herbal tea but here I am wide awake and scared to try and sleep.

blue moon
10-11-11, 05:19
Hello Ambers :D
Have you tried putting some lavender and frankincense on temples behind ears and back of neck,it worth a try,if still have trouble with sleep try read book,do not lie in bed you should get up,lying in bed not sleep you have plenty time to think which is not good.Just a tip.
Love Petra xx:flowers:

10-11-11, 05:33
No sleep makes my anxiety worse then the anxiety makes it hard for me to sleep.
A hot shower or bath before bed , lavender , warm milk , might help you fall asleep a bit easier :)
Um the mental health team is a bunch of different people who can help you,
Therapists really, like CBt , ocupational therapy etc. . They are there to support and to help you gain the skills to help your self .

10-11-11, 07:12
Thank you - will try the incense - I do have lavender in the cupboard. I do already drink warm milk. After I wrote this I had some Cammolie tea and eventally emergency Diazapam which I haven't taken since April. Went to sleep about 3am which is better than 5am than getting up for school run at 6am. It is so horrible because I went to sleep nervous and now I am overtired I feel anxious.

macc noodle
10-11-11, 08:49
Hey Ambers,

Macc Noodle here xx

Sorry you not feeling so good at the moment and even though you know it is your anxiety, it does not help really does it when the symptoms are 24/7.

A good bedtime routine always helps a little, even if it means that you are less anxious when you get into bed.

What helps me is a nice warm bubbly bath and a magazine to flick through, followed by a milky drink and round of toast.

When I get into bed, I put my headphones on and listen to some of my favourite tunes and hopefully drift off to sleep.

If I do wake up in the night all anxious and fretty, I do try and stay in the dark and go back to sleep. If, after 30 mins, this is not working, I simply get up and potter about doing things that need little thought and effort but distract me from the anxiety.

Then, when ready to try again, I make another nice warm milky drink and snuggle up in bed with the music again.

Good luck.

Macc Noodle.