View Full Version : Hello, New Member here ^^

10-11-11, 02:27
Hello all, i'm new to this forum and admitantly, i'm a bit nervous :unsure: but, I guess there's no harm in posting to say hello and get a feel of things I guess, and, also, i'm hoping that younger members are allowed, I gather that the age limit is 13 and above? If i'm wrong then i'm really sorry >.<

Anyway, I guess I might as well say a bit about myself and why i'm here then:blush:
I suffer from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) and as a result, suffer from panic attacks from it.
I have been recieving counselling for around 3 years for it and earlier this year, I was doing incredibly well and was about to finish my appointments.
However, as I was about to finish them, I was targeted by bullies at my school, and as a result, it knocked me for six, so to speak, and my confidence just hit the floor, my panic attacks became more frequent, and my agoraphobia was worse than ever; I was hysteric at the thought of even stepping outside the door, let alone going to my appointments or school.
Very recently, my parents have decided, with the help of my counsellor, that I'd recieve home tutoring as the stress I was under was enourmous and it was beggining to make me permenantly high strung and nervous.

I now have home tutoring, which is going well, and have recently been put on Flouroxodine (I think that's how it's spelt haha) and, I must admit i'm still a little nervous about it, but i'm hopeful that it will help me get out of the house again.

On other notes, I've been feeling very low lately, mood wise, and am struggling to find motivation to do things.
I guess that's why I've come here, in the hopes that I can find some support as the site I used to go on has seemed to have unfortunatly shut down.

I guess that's pretty much it for me.... I hope that i'll be able to both recieve and give some help here, as im sure many more than me need it too!

Hello again to everyone,


10-11-11, 02:29
Hi Kaevi

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

london guy
10-11-11, 07:35
Hi Kaevi

welcome to the site :)

10-11-11, 22:52
Thank you london guy, it's nice to recieve a nice welcome ^^
I do admit, i'm still unsure if i'll "fit in" here so to speak but i'm willing to try ^.^

10-11-11, 23:42
Hi Kaevi,

Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll fit in fine! :)

10-11-11, 23:49
Hi Kaevi,

:welcome: to NMP :D

Agoraphobia is horrid, but it can be overcome i promise you.

Have a read of the symptoms page on the left hand side and if you need any help around the forum or anything else then do please send me a message and i will help you.

We will do our best to support you.

di xx

12-11-11, 00:36
Thank you, Diane I really apreciate that ^^
I feel more at ease already, the community here seems so welcoming. :)

---------- Post added at 00:36 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

And also thank you, akira, :D

12-11-11, 16:31
Hello! Really nice site this, very friendly and loads of good info and advice. X

14-11-11, 22:09
Hello hope all goes well for you.i have just found this site too and its amazing. so many people so many problems lol.It really does help. Goodluck.

17-11-11, 21:57
Thank you both of you, i'm feeling alot more reasured now I have to say, I feel silly for worrying :blush: