View Full Version : Back Again

10-11-11, 04:11
Hey All,
the only thing I miss about Panic Attacks are chatting to the wonderful people here and getting great advice, but I am back now.

I weened myself off of Cipralex over a 3 week period after about 8 months, without DRs guidance (silly) but after 3 weeks out of my system, I found my self getting grumpy and quiet (no attacks, but head buzzes)

I have since started back on my 10Mcg of Cipralex its been about a week and a half and had my first Panic Attack lastnight, lasting for about 10 Min, I feel I worked myself into it, just after waking up at about 3am.

I had almost forgotten what they feel like, meaning how scary they get, but I had the taste of old reality once again lastnight and hoping if I stick to my Cipralex this time, I will soon forget what they are about again, as I once had, while on this Med.

Thanks Everyone,
Glad to be back for the chatting and sharing, not for the symptoms and experience of this terrible thing.


10-11-11, 05:00
i have just started this drug did it work well for you?

10-11-11, 05:11
It worked Very well for me, with little side effects, and shouldn't have gone off it so quickly, because now i have to do it all over again (takes about 3 weeks to get in your system) and one of the side effects is it can promote Panic/Anxiety as weird as it sounds.

The Only side effects I found was being tired, mild headaches, increased appetite (which is weird as it suppose to decrease) and sometimes hot flashes..


10-11-11, 05:56
hi thanks for the reply im on 10mg now for about 2 weeks, no side effects so far that i noticed but i have diazapam at the moment, i have it for panic attacks so i hope it doesnt bring them on, or do you mean at the beginning?

10-11-11, 06:56
Just at the beginning, but you should be ok if no side effects by now, but if you do get one always remember what it is, respect it, and you will find yourself over coming them soon enough to the point you won't worry about them.


10-11-11, 07:07
Thanks, I do feel a bit better already, i am also trying to not wrestle with my anxiety thoughts, im a what if kind of person who ruminates alot, so im also trying to just let the thoughts float by, i hope they work though as pretty sick of feeling miserable.