View Full Version : easier said than done

27-05-06, 19:58
ive been trying so hard to be positive...ive bought a ton of books, started on beta blockers, got self help cds and changed my diet. ive been FORCING myself to go out to try and beat this agoraphobia and anxiety...but then yesterday a gypsy came to my door and i am still panicing about it....i keep thinking what if she did this or that (mainly poisoned me) and it feels like im just sitting waiting to die...feeling faint and i have this rash all over my middriff and then my leg was bleeding, chest feels tight, eyes feel blurry, hearing feels weird and depersonalised and have derealisation...feel like im just ready to collapse.....dunno why my leg is bleeding (small puncture mark)..im convinced it MUST have been a needle with poison.......gah im so scared......and so tired.........the amount of time i spend thinking of death,...i never really get the chance to experience life [Ugh]

F**k with these buttons and knobs long enough, and maybe things will turn out...just fine!

27-05-06, 20:13
Oh Shanti, I'm sorry you are feeling like this. You're doing all the right things to try and overcome this but DOES take time . Just be patient and keep working at this. Are you getting or waiting to get any therapy or counselling of any kind? the poisoning thing I identify with because I have the same phobia but your symptoms are definitely anxiety I'm sure.

Take care mate

Shiv x

27-05-06, 20:19
hi hun,
please try not to worry! you prob scratched your leg without noticing,or coaught it on something thats all, you really are not going to die its just the anxiety..try watching or reading something funny and not just books on anxiety try to take your mind off it for a bit ..youll be ok take care xx

jools xx