View Full Version : Peeking around the corner

10-11-11, 05:29
Hi, I'm a late 40s lifelong social phobia sufferer. I live in Australia and do the best I can to remain optimistic and achieve my goals - even if I have to go the long way around to do it. But in recent times I've become more socially isolated and lonely. Would love to have contact with some other people - both email and in-person.

10-11-11, 05:31
Hi Dont_look_at_me

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

blue moon
10-11-11, 05:33
welcome to the site,I live in Townsville very hot today,but it is summer(or Spring)...lol.you will like this site as I do.
Love Petra xx:flowers:

10-11-11, 08:10
Thanks Nicola and Petra for the warm welcome.
I'm down the other end of Oz Petra, so yeah, not so hot down here.
Very pleased to have found this site :-)

blue moon
10-11-11, 08:20
Maybe join in the word games it is lot of fun,hope to see you play
Petra x:D

Veronica H
10-11-11, 10:09
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us.

10-11-11, 11:41
:welcome: to nmp, i hope you find some people who you can relate to you who live near you, i'm in the uk, so very envious about your weather lol, but i;m sure if you read the forums, and pehaps join in on the chat room, you will find many new friends who understand what you are going thru. wishing you good luck x